Switching majors/Comp Sci

<p>I am a senior in high school who applied to 7 of the 9 UC campuses (left out Riverside/Merced) and for almost all my majors/alternates I put life science and a few social science majors, planning to go to either vet or law school. Recently however, I’ve had a huge change of heart. My uncles, both of who are engineers recently talked with me about the field, I took a tour of EA studios, met with the president of Marvell, and recently downloaded a whole bunch of software for computer programming on my Mac and I’ve already built 3 games with it.</p>

<p>Bottom line; I just discovered that I LOVE programming and computer science and I’m seriously reconsidering my major choices now.</p>

<p>I really kinda hate myself for having this epiphany right after my college apps have finished for the UC’s and not putting Comp Sci down as my first choice major for them, but I doubt there is anything that I can do to change it now. With that in mind, since Comp Sci is from what I have heard, crazy impacted at every UC campus, is there any way at all I could still have a shot at changing my majors to computer science? Otherwise my only other option is to apply comp sci to a few more privates and hope for the best, even though I really wanted to attend a UC. But then again, not sure if its worth it if I can’t even get the major that I really want.</p>

<p>Any advice/help? Anything and everything is appriciated. Muchas Gracias :)</p>

<p>Switching into engineering can be very difficult but not impossible. Check the required courses and the process for switching at each UC to determine the likelihood of a successful switch. That will help inform which UC campus you should choose.</p>

<p>For Berkeley, you can switch into CS in L&S (not engineering) which may be a little easier (I don’t know that for sure; make sure you check before you choose Berkeley).</p>