Switching Schools Senior Year

I live in Puerto Rico and have for the last three years. I’ve stayed at the same school, ignoring countless problems that have arisen with the administration’s ethics. Because of Hurricane Maria, I evacuated to Virginia for 5 weeks, and upon my return, the faculty and administration have been less than fair with positions I hold and problems have happened to the point that I will not be staying at this school another semester. I have already sent in all of my college applications, but I am worried for scholarship opportunities or rescinded acceptances with switching schools. For my second semester senior year, I have the three choices of switching to another private school in Puerto Rico, going to a (good) public high school in Virginia, or finishing online and traveling while doing so. I am a hard working student, and take AP courses, so I am worried colleges won’t think I am trying as hard second semester depending on which option I choose. If anyone has insider information on online school or opinions about this please help!

I think colleges will understand that PR and it’s infrastructure are dealing with a lot right now. I’d say do any of the alternatives that feel best to you (maybe someone else can give an opinion re online ed plus travel). I’d also explain in an email to your AO that your school’s operations in PR were disrupted by the hurricane to an extent that you had to find alternative education. If you received an email from your colleges after applying, you may have a link to “send changes”. And changing schools would constitute a change to report.