Syracuse Class of 2027 Official Thread

Like I said, it’s done by the housing office. You can request a roommate and specify the type of room you want, but that’s about it. The housing office than assigns the rooms sometime in July, but you can’t choose a specific hall or room like it is in other colleges.


They don’t start to assign dorms for incoming freshman until June. They wait for all deposits and first are working on placing all the CURRENT freshman into their housing assignments for their sophomore year so no, there is no rush to pay a housing deposit as date in does not provide any advantage. Many students choose to live in living learning communities and those are tied to specific dorms and others who are in the honors program are in a dorm all together too. It’s the perfect sized campus with all freshman housing options being equal. Students typically can only select if they’d prefer an open double room or a split double which if you have looked on the SU housing site is a double room with a half wall offering the best of both worlds of a shared room with a nice addition of some privacy.

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My daughter was invited to apply for the Honors College. Anyone know anything about it?

Congrats then! it is going to be on my son’s list, but he might be in the same boat. He has not visited yet. He spoke to a rep after hearing about the program from his counselor. My daughter is a 2020 grad, and since then things have gone from awful to ridiculous. I feel for these kids. You should be really proud! Maybe I can message you to see how it’s going. :slight_smile:

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My daughter is super excited about it! I know a little, but will have more info next Friday if you want me to keep you posted.

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Unfortunately, that is not unusual. Today more competitive programs are filling their classes with ED. Villanova business accepted approx 408 students last year. Approx 398 were accepted under early decision.

Sure, sounds good

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Every year the acceptance number of RD into Tulane seems to be getting closer and closer to SINGLE digits because of how many get in through ED and then from EA - which Syracuse does not offer.

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CMU is a great (better) choice IMO!!!


its so cliche to say it but its true…you make plans and life has other plans in store…


DS was one of the few acceptances this year! Got deferred out of EA (which is Tulane’s way of trying to push people into EDII) - we proceeded into RD and were STUNNED (at least I was) that he got admitted.

And yet Waitlisted at Virg Tech & SU. :man_shrugging:

I would have lost a lot of money if I had wagered in November how this would play out.


I wholeheartedly agree with you. Although process can feel random, I’m sorry people said that and that it made you feel bad. I hope I didn’t!

It’s not really random. The institution has priorities and chooses partly based on that. Harvard accepts kids with 1330 SAT scores if they are from certain parts of the country.

I think many viewed Syracuse as a “safety,” and folks have been flipping over not getting in.

This is life. Mine didn’t get in. I felt sick over it because we loved this school and visited the place twice and attended online events.

Again, that is life.

Like you, we are doing the Tuition Exchange dance. Only got one, too.

My kid has friends seemingly accepted everywhere and is gracious about it and happy for them. But I know 23 must hurt a bit and wonder why they aren’t “good enough” to get in also.

They saw something in your son that made him a good admit, and I hope he feels the love and has a wonderful time if he attends. And maybe we’ll “see” you at SU for grad school. :wink:


He didnt apply ED, he applied regular decision…maybe that hurt him if the program is so small - only 60 students! And they probably accept alot early. Seems like your son will have a better shot at the program if he does apply early - good luck!

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They dont have a sports analytics major at CMU (Syracuse is one of the only ones) but CMU has a big network of alumni in professional football analytics. My son was accepted to Dietrich as a stats/data science major. Carnegie Mellon is ranked with Stanford and MIT for data science so we are definitely taking this as a win. Congratulations to your son, the program at Falk is amazing and who knows, they might cross paths in their professional careers (if they havent already at Moneyball :grinning:)


CMU is definitely a win – and exactly about crossing paths!


Oh, no you didn’t make me feel bad at all! It wan’t anyone in particular, and I just made that post because I’ve observed some of those vibes mostly in other threads for other kids.

Regarding more elite institutions, there are some parents that veer into major sour grapes, and even lash out at children on those threads. It’s an extreme example of what can happen when all this stuff is amplified and a decision is made that doesn’t feel “fair” (whatever that means).

I want each kid (and their parents) to feel wonderful about the offers they did get, and as magnanimous as possible about the ones they didn’t (though it hurts). And to remember that rejections say nothing about who they are as a person nor their potential for success.

You’re right, Syracuse is easy to misjudge due to a high overall acceptance rate and dramatically different rates for different programs. My kid is just lucky that he wants one of the “easy” programs.

I hope yours ends up with an offer that they love. How kind of them to support their friends like that.

We all knew Otto would always be in our hearts regardless of outcome :grin: Best of luck to yours as you await whatever decisions remain.


What does it mean if your child hasn’t received their results yet?

Next Friday.

Thank you.

I mentally moving on. Anyone want my Syracuse sweatshirt? :joy: