Syracuse Class of 2027 Official Thread

Haha, that made me laugh. I’ll also throw in a Carnegie Mellon jacket! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Thanks for saying this! I want to add that the negativity will make people less likely to share their results and experiences. S23 did well in his college search and sometimes I was anxious sharing his results for fear of making others upset as his stats are not as outstanding as other’s (less than 1500 SAT for example).
What made me post results anyways is because I think CC is a great source of information in this very murky process. Crowdsourcing is our power! The more information you have the better you can estimate your chances and position your child for success: admission to a selective/elite school or find that financial aid that will make it work for your family. I learned a ton over at the annual Tuition Exchange thread, which greatly shaped S23’s school list. Keeping it positive will help all of us in the end.
It is understandable that there is a lot of emotions around admission: the highs are really high and the lows are really low. Thanks @ColdWombat for keeping the conversation positive even when your heart sank for your kid.


Well said, thank you for sharing :+1:

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I’ll trade you a Syracuse sweatshirt for a miami one! LOL!!

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my son put down two schools as his first and second choice, but was accepted into arts and sciences. how hard is it to transfer in to Whitman or Falk after freshman year?


Congrats to your son!!! :slight_smile: When we were there for the fall day we asked about this because we had heard it was really difficult to transfer…the rep was very evasive about answering and would not give us a clear cut answer which was frustrating. My son applied to Whitman and was waitlisted (many said to apply the arts and sciences to increase chances-however, I don’t think that is the case anymore either because of the high number of waitlists for A&S too) but he doesn’t want to get in, attend and then have it almost impossible to transfer into Whitman. He rather go to UConn, OSU or Bucknell and not have issues…I am sure there are MANY cases where a student changed programs, I mean seriously, these kids are 17/18 yrs old, how can they be positive they k now what they want to do. It may be a lot of work and jumping through hoops but I am sure you could fight for it. Good luck!! :slight_smile:


Apologies if someone already posted this, but does anyone have an idea on how many applicants SU accepts for Whitman?

I agree with all of that. CC overall is so supportive and the best source of info. So happy your kid’s search has gone well! I love the Tuition Exchange thread, and I also think we have great vibes over there :blush:

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Syracuse is pretty cagey with their statistics.

Googling it, it looks like Whitman is total enrollment of ~1,800 Undergrad which would make an incoming class ~450. How many do they have to accept to yield that is the question.

From the Falk College webpage:

Changing Majors: What if I decide to change my major after I get to Syracuse?

It is important to note that many students change their major and career aspirations while in college. This is very normal! If that major is housed in another college at Syracuse University, our counselors will advise you of the guidelines for intra-university transfers. Most majors are easy to transfer into. It is important to note that there are a handful of majors at Syracuse University that are more difficult to transfer into due to space considerations. All intra university majors have their entry criteria available on the individual department web pages.

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Assume that any school/program that’s difficult to get into as a freshman admit is also going to be difficult to get into as a transfer. Not impossible but worth a conversation with the admissions counselor to better understand what might have been “missing” for admission into one of the programs he put down - and it would at least give guidance what he might need to bolster in the future as a potential transfer.

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We’re headed up to UConn next weekend to hopefully seal the deal there for our daughter. She was accepted to Syracuse with some merit aid, but there are too many checks in the “Pro” column for her to attend UConn over Syracuse. I’m sure all of our kids will make the best of wherever they land. They won’t need luck because they’ve made it this far in the process (even if they were flat out declined - they showed the ambition to at least apply!!) showing they have the chops to make it even further!


Well said! Congrats to your son and sounds like he has great parents. No one knows what is on someone’s application. Nothing more unappealing to me than bitter parents!


i’ve heard that about 100-125 of the ~450 end up being dual whitman/newhouse majors. which is up there in competitiveness with the architecture program. for that dual it often comes down to the level of math you were able to get up to by senior year.

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If my kid is waitlisted and they end up getting in, is it a given that they won’t get any money?

Once admitted and should you not receive any merit at that time, if you ask a financial aid officer to re-evaluate a student’s complete application and supply any additional awards, grades, etc. it is possible they will throw out $5k…possible, not guaranteed. Basically, if you don’t ask you automatically get nothing but ALWAYS can “pay” to simply ask for reconsideration of a financial award.


No the waitlist FAQ in the portal says as long as you submitted your FAFSA and CSS you
Will still be eligible for aid. I assume how much will depend on the amount left that will be allocated from kids backing out of attending. Fun stuff, like many here we thought SU was a safety school. He attended SU pre college last summer and I am an alum. Crazy


Absolutely nothing makes sense this year!


I know right? But at least our son is on the waitlist. It’s a long shot but you never know, especially this year!

Who would have thought we would be praying/hoping for an offer off the waitlist for our 2nd choice major?!?! Crazy year.