Syracuse Class of 2027 Official Thread

If you child was admitted and did not receive merit, check to make sure you submitted CSS.
Spoke with FA and they are still accepting CSS submissions for accepted students.

Are there still kids waiting on notices from SU today? Seems strange that thereā€™s been no chatter on here and that last week we didnā€™t hear about a single rejection.

I thought the waitlist was the rejection?

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Nope! At least not based on previous years:
2022 -
41,489 Applications
21,471 Acceptances
12,638 - Offered place on waiting list
4,073 - Accepted place on waiting list
321 - Admitted from waiting list

So based on the above - there would have been ~7,500 rejections last year.

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Son admitted to VPA/Setnor with amazing financial offer. Honestly I wrote this school off for him. He will be going to a preview day with his dad (my ex) in a couple weeks. I think this could be his top choice at the moment.


When I spoke with admissions weeks ago, I had asked about how merit works because we were not applying for FA because we are not getting a dime so we didnā€™t want to go through the hassle of the CSS with no outcome. I specifically asked about the CSS but was told that had no bearing at all on merit, that was only for loans .

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Exact same with us! SU making a late charge on our list. Theyā€™re making it very hard to say no. Weā€™ll be heading to preview day on 4/21

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Same here too. My son visited before and liked it a lot. When he found out about his scholarship, he texted ā€œuhhhh whatā€ in disbelief and then ā€œwell we should probably visit againā€. We encouraged him to re-visit his favorites for admitted student days, and the only other one heā€™s seen twice is Purdue.

We are headed to Syracuse preview day soon and itā€™s his final college visit. He said today ā€œhonestly, if I like the visit, I think Iā€™ll just decide to go thereā€.


Do we know if the 321 admitted from waitlist to is the number of spots offered to waitlist kids or the number who ended up attending?


Same. I think. 4/17 preview here.


Typically that number reports the number of kids that got an offer to come off WL, not the number of kids that accepted a spot.

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Us too. Itā€™s back in the picture and weā€™ll be there next week.

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We visited yesterday for the Leadership Scholar admitted students day. WOW is all I can say. We were very, very impressed. They rolled out the red carpet for these kids. Sweatshirts, nice metal water bottles (they know my teenager!), dinner in the Dome with Otto and the marching band! It was so so so cool. It has moved to the top of my daughterā€™s list.


I wish my son could have made it but he is back to school in WI today after visiting 3 other schools!

Does anyone know if they hand out any merch on their Spring for a full day Spring Reception?

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My understanding with the merch (she was SO excited about the merch!) was this was a special thing for leadership scholars. But I hope your kiddo gets merch!

My son was invited to Leadership Scholars as well but timing did not work out as we are in WI and he literally just got back late Saturday night from visiting 3 other schools and its back to school this am.


Us too, now Iā€™m wondering about this merch LOL.

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Has anyone applied for honors? If so, have you heard back? My son plans on applying but wants to wait until closer to the deadline to submit his essay. Iā€™m just wondering if thereā€™s any advantage to applying earlier (i.e., hearing back on a decision earlier).

We attended an honors virtual info session last night. They said the only thing they use to make honors admissions decision is the essay. They only invite people to apply if theyā€™re okay with their academics, so they donā€™t look at grades or ECs or anything other than the honors app essay.

My son received an email about the honors program, but we didnā€™t realize that it was actually an invitation. We thought it was sent to every admitted student. He will probably not apply because the engineering program will be challenging enough without the extra things that are usually required for honors (plus I doubt he wants to write another essay, lol) but heā€™d better find that email again to make sure itā€™s not something heā€™s interested in.

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My daughter listened in on the info session last night too. She said decisions are April 23rd. She is not sure she is going to apply. She has priority apparently because of being a leadership scholar, but is really not in love with the requirement to live in a Living Learning Community. But, she does like the perk of registering early for classes. So sheā€™s doing more research and will decide.