Syracuse Class of 2027 Official Thread

my son passed on honors because of the housing requirement.
he had so many ap credits that it bumped up his class standing that granted him early registration so that never ended up being such a big issue.


Can I message you? My daughter will have 39 AP credits (i know they only take 30)

came in with at least 31 I believe and then last summer he also took 6 credits through two community colleges that were approved in advance.
dual major degree is 149/150 credits so the goal was to get ahead to get out in 4 years but now he could get out earlier but there is no chance he will leave that place a second earlierā€¦he loves it there.

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Iā€™m an admissions rep for the College of Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse. Let me know if I can help with anything. My email is on this page:


Is anyone not financially well off sending their kid to Syracuse?

My child is on SU social media and feeling everyone so far is rich and wondering if he will not fit in.

61k in awards and merit is the only reason he can attend.

Not from my sons school. The few kids I know that got in got large merit amounts as well making it possible to attend. :slightly_smiling_face:

My daughter was definitely a little nervous about this too, but I told her that there will be a huge mix of people! She is from a large, suburban, middle class, public high school, and many are from ā€œfancyā€ private schools, but thatā€™s ok! The diversity at Syracuse (comparatively, of course) is one of the things she liked about it in general, so this is just another part of that. So they arenā€™t crazy, but I really think it will all work out! Part of the experience. So heā€™s got at least one ā€œnot richā€ classmate lol


Thank you and we will be in touch with any questions.

Moved on to OSU after acceptance into second choice VPA Communication and Rhetoric. When I called to ask about possibility of any merit they said no and we would get little or no aid soā€¦ She explained that Syracuse is using an 85K COA! OSU gave 13.5K which knocks it down to $44K COA and itā€™s ranked 10 places higher in USNEWS. No brainer. Syracuse, for our daughter, is not worth $160K more over 4 years!!

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I am an alumnus and I have a kid who is 99% headed to SU as well. There certainly will be affluent students, but there is a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds that attend Cuse. Your child will not be an outlier regardless of what your financial situation is. (EDIT: I should have added thatā€™s part of what makes SU so great!)


Best of luck to your daughter at OSU. We have family in Columbus and it is truly an underrated and fun place. Great restaurants and so much to do. Iā€™m sure she will be happy there!


My girl has decided! She will be attending SU this fall! Studying an integrated learning major of forensic science and biology. She is also a Leadership scholar. We are SO PROUD of her!


Has Syracuse published their acceptance rate for this year? I canā€™t track it down. I thought I read on a thread that they arenā€™t very transparent with CDS etc.

At the Spring Reception I thought they said 42k apps for 3700 freshman accepted.

I think they said the class will be 3700 so how many accepted depends on their yield.

Thanks. Thought to find. They have pretty wild swings - 44%some years and 60+% other years. Hope they publish it.

I think last year their acceptance rate was around ~50% and yield was ~20%. I also heard the 42K apps for 3700 spots in the class this year. Assuming 20% yield, that would be around 18,500 accepted which is ~45% acceptance rate. Thatā€™s a decent drop in acceptance rate, but I donā€™t know how accurate my figures are. Weā€™ll get better numbers when they release CDS for this year.

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Thanks. Collegevine chancing is dated and still uses the 59% year, so itā€™s misleading and likely calls it a safety for too many.

I agree. My son applied for music major which we were told had over 500 applicants for 45 spots. Thats 11% (or less).

Sports analytics had something like 420 or 450 for 60 spots ā€“ thatā€™s what they said on a Zoom (I know it was in the low 400s, I canā€™t remember exact number they said), they wouldnā€™t/couldnā€™t say how many acceptances they had made tho, or how many ED vs regular, etc. A newspaper article from 2 years ago said sports analytics had a record number of applications that year ā€“ 275. I donā€™t know if they have expanded the program since then, but its popularity is clearly exploding, quickly.