Tabor Academy-academics

<p>I was discussing my private school search with my English teacher today, and he asked which school I was favoring. I am applying to Milton, Nobles, Concord, and Tabor. Tabor was my answer, because that is the school that, based on my interviews, tours, and meetings with school faculty, I can really picture myself happy and thriving in. He was startled because he said I would be "selling myself short" by attending a school that is not as academic as my other options. He said with my SSAT scores (99% overall) I should not attend Tabor becuase I would not be challenged enough.
Does anyone have any experience with Tabor academics or any thoughts on the matter?</p>

<p>3 words for you my friend, don’t short-change yourself. </p>

<p>Milton is the hardest school to get into in the country, if you get in GO ! Tabor would NOT challenge you academically. Milton is the way to go for sure if you get in that is. Even with a 99% you are not guaranteed entry.</p>

<p>There are many Tabor students who go on to very fine colleges [Tabor</a> Academy](<a href=“]Tabor”> Going to a school in which you can thrive would not be “selling yourself short.” Perhaps your English teacher favors one of the other schools on your list. Anyway, you are the one selecting a school – not him/her.</p>

<p>Just complete your applications and wait for your results. Go to your revisit days. Afterwards, if you still believe that Tabor is the best school for you, go there. It has a fine reputation, and the environment may be the right place for you. If you thrive there academically, you will be at the top of your class. This will open many college possibilities for you – probably far more than being unhappy and in the middle academically at a more prestigious school.</p>

<p>While I am not familiar with the abilities of students at Tabor, I’m guessing that you would not be the only 99% SSAT student there, although there would not be many. </p>

<p>Good luck on March 10th!</p>

<p>I think their matriculation numbers is an easy way to avoid putting exactly how many students in those 3 years went to those schools.</p>

<p>I personally would go to milton if you got in.</p>

<p>An interesting feature of your list is that Tabor has the highest percentage of boarding students. Milton is 50% boarding, Nobles offers 5-day boarding, but is primarily a day school, and Concord is only 43% boarding. </p>

<p>Tabor’s matriculation list is impressive. Colleges just want to know if you’ve taken the most challenging courses available to you. As Tabor offers honors courses, and all the schools you’re looking at offer small classes, it’s possible to be challenged at any one of the schools you’re considering.</p>