
<p>My family has ties to the Taino tribe...and I'm wondering - should I put this on my application?</p>

<p>What other specific questions do you have that weren’t answered in post #2 of the thread I linked to in your other thread?</p>

<p>I’m just not sure whether or not I should put it on my application because many people think the tribe is extinct and I do not have the tribal reg. # to prove that i am actually part Taino</p>

<p>What kind of proof do you have that you are part Taino? Also, what cultural ties do you have with the Taino tribe, in other words do you is there any language, traditional culture, etc. that you have been brought up with?</p>

<p>Unlike somewhere like Mexico or Peru which have relatively large proportions of NA or mixed NA/white inhabitants, PR has a relatively low percentage of NAs, so it seems more important that you can explain how you know you have a Taino background. If you did mark NA, you could then put a further explanation in the Additional Information section.</p>

<p>My great grandparents are 100% Taino. My father grew up in the US but spent summers in Puerto Rico where he met Taino family members/tribe members. My grandparents and father have put a great emphasis on learning about my Puerto Rican and Taino culture. I’ve been to Puerto Rico and met family members who consider themselves Taino (aunts, uncles, etc.) and spent time with numerous Tainos.</p>

<p>Also, it is a family tradition that we all meet on Nov.19th to “mourn” the end of the Taino tribe (November 19th 1493)</p>

<p>^^^Given this information, it looks like a no-brainer to me ;). </p>

<p>When you go to the CA and check NA, it will give you a drop down box with tribes listed, when you check Other, it will give you a space to specify background, write Taino there and check that you have no tribal registration. Since tribes outside the US & Canada often don’t have registration, this shouldn’t be a problem.</p>

<p>What I HIGHLY recommend is that somewhere else in your application: essay, ECs or Additional Information, that you include something about your cultural ties to the Taino. Personally, I think it sounds like it would make a really interesting essay, particularly for the many schools that ask for a diversity essay. Also, if your HS knows anything about your background, your GC could include something in the SSR.</p>

<p>Entomom, thank you so much for your replies, I greatly appreciate all of your help! I am writing an additional personal statement about my culture and will begin submitting my applications tonight :)!</p>

<p>You’re welcome! It’s a complex subject which is only made more difficult by all of the emotional controversy surrounding ethnicity & race in college admissions. I have three guidelines concerning what to mark: take the instructions literally, be honest and be able to support what you declare.</p>

<p>You look like you’re in good shape, best of luck!</p>