Take the class credit or the grade?

<p>@ProudPapaBear - skieurope is correct. Your student’s situation is very similar to my son’s, except with us it was U.S. History. APUSH got my son 6 credits (2 courses) at UA. DS took a US History course dual enroll and received a B. The UA transcript includes the B in the overall GPA even though he has no credits for the class. </p>

<p>The UA transcript lists the course with:
“Attempted Hours” 3.00
“Passed Hours” 0.00
“Earned Hours” 0.00
“GPA Hours” 3.00
GPA 3.00</p>

<p>I disagree with an earlier post stating the college course while in high school is not counted for scholarship. All discussions I have had with UA Register’s Office have all indicated it is the Overall GPA which is counted for maintaining scholarship and for the Honors College, not the Institution (UA) GPA.</p>

<p>The Institution GPA is used to determine if your graduate UA as Summa Cum Laude, Cum Laude.</p>

<p>This issue was clear as mud to me. After 3 calls and very patient UA folks, I finally comprehended it.</p>