Take the day off from school on Friday?

<p>Good or bad idea? Your thoughts and why. Personally, I think its a good idea.</p>

<p>go to school.</p>

<p>I am, but it’s because I have a fever of 102 degrees.</p>

<p>take the night off and relax.</p>

<p>Are you taking SAT though? (Direct toward Arachnotron)</p>

<p>Yeah, I am.</p>

<p>Im not sick or anything, should i take the day off?</p>

<p>yeah he is. And i am too and i’m taking the day off to relax and work on some problems.</p>

<p>I am after pulling 2 or 3 all nighters this week, im exhausted, lol.</p>

<p>Hell I took today off. I am also taking tomorrow off. It really helps: you won’t be tired, you’ll be more prepared, and you won’t waste your time doing homework tonight.</p>

<p>I have no school tomorrow so its all good.</p>

<p>Go to school.
Unless you for dumbly did an all-nighter the night before, it’s better to go to school. Your brain works on other things. Just don’t do your Friday homework on Friday.</p>

<p>Yep ! I stayed at home 2 days before the Nov SAT test and it helped !
This time…I only took friday off :D</p>