Taking Algebra 2 in Junior Year. When should I take my SAT

My son is a freshman this year and is taking Algebra 1. We are debating doing Geometry during the summer. There are multiple factors leading to the completion and getting into Algebra 2 in 10th grade. My question is if he does not complete Algebra 2 before his junior year, when would he give his SAT? What kind of help would be needed if he preps for his SATs during his junior year?

End of junior year would be the best time to take it in that situation, so that you have completed algebra 2 by then, but still have time to take it early senior year if you feel that you want to try for a higher score than you get the first time.

The SAT Math Test – SAT Suite | College Board describes the math on the SAT.


Algebra 2 has a lot of material that is tested on the SAT, so I would wait at least until that is substantially complete.

I’d avoid starting Senior year not having tested, so May/June of Junior year, with Fall available if needed.

My D23 was in the same boat and scored highest for the Math section the summer after junior year. She had a tutor for 6 months leading up to it.

My son took the SATs in May of his junior year when he was nearly finished Algebra 2.