<p>I just heard about the Duke Talent Search thing and I was wondering what effect it would have on college admissions and all if I took the SAT next time it was administered.</p>
<p>I do plan to take it as a senior when I need to, but people do take it earlier. Would this count as multiple sittings and lower the prestige of my senior score?</p>
<p>The Duke Talent (TIP) "thing" is for seventh graders. Tests taken before, what, the 9th grade? aren't reported to schools. I imagine that doing well on TIP has some minor impact, but since their awards are based strictly on how well you do on the SATs, we tend to think we got almost as much bang out of doing well on the SATs in high school when the scores count. </p>
<p>If you do well on TIP and leverage that into special studies or selective summer programs, that might help.</p>
<p>Oh, I guess that's why I haven't heard of it, junior high. Okay thanks.</p>
<p>And I'm not asking if people care what my scores were, you are missing the point.</p>
<p>I'm asking, If I take the test earlier than senior year, will that effect he scores I get senior year? Will colleges not like the fact that I took it earlier.</p>
<p>Actually the majority of high school students today first take the SAT in spring of their junior year so you are not going to be taking it early if you do it then. Repeating the test in Fall of senior year is not going to count against you; in fact, most colleges will mix and match those scores -- take your highest section scores from the combined tests to give you your actual score considered for admission, e.g., score 800 math and 600 verbal on one and 600 math and 800 verbal on the other and your score for admission purposes at most colleges is 800 math and 800 verbal.</p>