Taking Classes in Other Colleges

<p>I'm applying to Arts and Sciences-->would I be allowed to take classes in like the College of Human Ecology with ease? Or are there restrictions on taking classes in other schools among Cornell?</p>

<p>You can take classes in any of the colleges as long as 1.) the class is open to non-majors and 2.) You meet pre-reqs (if there are any). However…I believe CAS students are required to take at least 100 of the 120 credits required for graduation within CAS…so that is something you would need to consider.</p>

<p>And even if the class is only open to majors, in practice it is very easy to talk to a professor and gain admission to a class. I did it a couple of times with upper level bio courses even though I never took intro bio.</p>

<p>ok thanks to both of you</p>