Taking Haas classes as a non-business major

<p>Can someone tell me how easy it is to take haas classes as a non-business major. I know Haas majors get waitlist preference and all, but is it impossible to get in? Speicifically, I'm interested in 101a, 102a, 103</p>

<p>Those classes that you are referring to are core classes that all business majors have to take, but they are large lecture hall sized classes so as long as you register phase I, you should be to get in…</p>

<p>Some classes are impossible like 131, but sticking to non-core classes, some are almost completely filled with non-business majors like entrepreneurship 195a… </p>

<p>Also, you’ll learn much much more in econ 100a than in 101a…, 101a is a watered down version…</p>

<p>So is it not even worth trying to get 131,132, and 133 as a non-business major during the school year?</p>

<p>I’m specifically referring to 131 as difficult to get into initially, but eventually people drop out so it isn’t impossible per-say.</p>

<p>The other ones like 132, 133 are smaller classes so they are harder to get into than the core haas classes, but the successive numbering and hence association with 131 doesn’t mean it’s just as hard. </p>

<p>If you want to get in to a class, sign up for it phase I and be waitlisted in the top 10-15 spots.</p>

<p>The core classes (101A/B, 102A/B, 103, 105, 106, 107) are each designed to accommodate hundreds of students, and as such, you shouldn’t have any problems getting in.</p>

<p>However, upper-division core classes, including 120A, 131, 132, and 133 are basically impossible to get in as a non-business major, UNLESS you take them during the summer. I waitlisted each for them (when offered) during phase 1 in Spring '08, Fall '08, and Spring '09. No luck.</p>


The problem is that the Haas administration/bureaucracy finalizes all enrollment by the second week of the semester. Very few classes would have anything substantial to weed students out before then.</p>

<p>131’ s lecturer, Etter tries to scare people into dropping and assigns homework due the next week of class…</p>

<p>2nd week finalization sounds quite fast… but sounds ok…</p>

<p>He does, but he also emphasizes his generous grading curve (70-80% A’s), which encourages the vast majority of enrolled students to stay</p>

<p>I have spoken to an Economics major who I think managed to take intermediate accounting during the school year. Could you give some more details on your attempts to get 120a, and the 13x series? Did you have a good/bad phase I time relative to your peers, and usually how far were you on the waitlist?</p>

<p>I had no idea he had such a generous grading curve. Of all the times I’ve began the semester in his class, he never says a word of it, he certainly fooled me.</p>

<p>Etter’s distribution: [url=<a href=“http://cal.pickaprof.com/?hid=47.97&course_id=20484]Pick-A-Prof[/url”>http://cal.pickaprof.com/?hid=47.97&course_id=20484]Pick-A-Prof[/url</a>]</p>

<p>I always waitlist UGBA classes during phase 1. My appointment times have consistently been bad compared to my peers, and I usually end up ranked #20-30 on the waitlist by the first day of each semester.</p>

<p>I don’t know if Econ majors get any priority into UGBA classes.</p>

<p>All non-business majors get no priority</p>

<p>Is it possible to waitlist for 102A in phase II and still get in?</p>

<p>Is it possible to waitlist for 102A in phase II and still get in?</p>