Taking HP Chem instead of AP Chem, want to take the exam

<p>Hey CCers</p>

<p>Missed out on AP Chem, taking HP Chem instead.</p>

<p>I like my teacher and his teaching method, and heard that the AP teacher is not too straightforward.</p>

<p>Perhaps I should take the exam and learn from HP chem as a foundation and use a prep book to nail it? I know that HP chem won't cover everything, so I hope the prep book would help. (A suggestion for the type of book and where to buy it used would be great)</p>

<p>I doubt the Adcom gods would mind the AP/HP course difference if I did well on the exam. Looking forward to your guy's replies (even HSL is filled with sarcastic teenagers with too much hormones I'd appreciate some semi-serious comments :)</p>

<p>I feel like “HP Chem” should also be called “Potions”.</p>

<p>Huntington Park Chemistry
Harry Potter Chemisty (Potions)
Hit Points Chemistry
Horse Power Chemistry</p>

<p>Nobody knows what HP is</p>

<p>Oh fail.</p>

<p>Thanks for letting me know and not post nothing instead though :slight_smile: </p>

<p>In our school HP is Honors Placement , same 5.0 grade boost ( B=4.0, A=5.0) Just no AP exam required</p>

<p>I thought this was a joke topic.</p>

<p>Nope, dead serious.</p>