Taking Pre-Cal over the summer

I’m currently a sophomore taking Algebra 2 Honors (SpringBoard/Commmon Core). I want to take Pre-Cal over the summer so I can take AP Calculus AB my junior year (i.e. Next academic year/ this fall). So would that be a good idea? I’ve talked to my counselors about the issue they said it’s okay, but weren’t helpful. Also, where can I take Pre Cal, besides a local community college? I don’t want to do BYU, because I found the classes really hard and not helpful. Please help!

The only problem is placing on the Accuplacer placement test. How should I prepare for that?

I posted about this just a few weeks ago, and I got some good advice. I don’t know how to attatch a link from my mobile device on the app, but if you go on my account and look for the thread, you can use the advice from there. I hope it helps!

Here it is:http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/1737263-skip-pre-cal.html#latest

FLorida Virtual School ftw :slight_smile: