<p>honestly, i know people who are doing this. they are under the impression, in their own secluded world, that just by taking it 2475082345708475098734 times they will miraculously improve while putting absolutely no time in between tests to study and not learning from past mistakes. And they are also under the impression that it looks good for college to take it 2475082345708475098734 times--i guess if you consider that consistency of activities.</p>
<p>not that difficult actually...two sextillion, four-hundred seventy-five quintillion, eighty-two quadrillion, three-hundred forty-five trillion, seven-hundred eight billion, four-hundred and seventy-five million, ninety-eight thousand, nine-hundred and thirty-four. hmm took longer then I thought though</p>
<p>I like how everyone's so fascinated by that huge number while no one is posting anything about the original topic, lol.</p>
<p>But no, I don't get why people want to take the SATs so many times. Twice is understandable, but only if you go over your mistakes and correct them...I'm aiming for only once, so May 22 will be the deciding day! </p>
<p>That is a pretty cool number by the way. I never knew they increased with those prefixes (bi, tri, quad, etc)</p>
<p>You know... people who do that ...need to be realistic. I mean, isn't it better to actually STUDY and then take the test once or twice (maybe thrice?)... instead of just taking it again and again and again and again and hoping something will happen on a fluke!?</p>
<p>I actually feel pity for those people who say 'Ima b.ull.sh.it. the SAT... Duuuude...'
That is a pretty cool number by the way.
It's a hot number! :p
This is proof that Math = Hotness.</p>
<p>Um I actually disagree. I've taken the SAT 3 times without prepping in between those sittings and my score has gone up enough for it to have been worth it. I think that some of the SAT is luck. Sometimes they will throw a math problem at you that you just won't get.</p>
<p>Anyways, I suppose you could get more points if you get the same number wrong and the curve is nicer or something.
Or the CR isn't like May '08.</p>
<p>Ahem, ^ this is the internet...
Google is our friend too. :p</p>
<p>Anyway, yea... learning PI'S digits is awsome!
We had a competition in our school... unfortunately, I forgot after the first 35 digits... Goshdarn.</p>
<p>@darnfancy - Are you going to take it again? And has it improved significantly? If yes, you're one lucky birdy.</p>