TAMU 2021 Transfer

@AggieMomhelp, please help meee

Hello everyone, I have not find any case like mine, so might as well just start one.

I got accepted to Allied Health for Fall 2020, but I haven’t accept the offer yet. Because I want to do Finance at Mays now. So I have been planning out some of my options:

  1. I will stay at my community college to complete all the pre- reqs such as ECON and ACCT 2301, 2302 and probably BUSI 2371 at Blinn in this upcoming Summer and Fall semesters. And I will be taking the Spring off to do internship oversea and getting my experience before applying to Mays Summer 2021.

  2. I will be transferring to UH and will be taking corresponding classes that could transfer to my degree plan at Mays. But the down side for this is that I know every college require a specific amount of credits that has to be done at their college in order to graduate from their school.
    By following this option, I might be taking too much credits outside of A&M that could potentially unqualified me from applying. I know that this option is very risky and unpredictable since moving from 4 years college to another 4 years college is trickier than 2 years to a 4 years.

According to my transfer audit:
53 transferable credits

I do think that I will get a good grade in all of those pre- reqs and that could boost my GPA higher. My family are doing business so high chances are I can get internship and experiences related to business.

What are my chances of getting into Mays? Do you think option 2 worth trying at all? Or should just go to UH and not waste time waiting to apply for Mays?

If you already have 53 credits I think you’re going to have a hard time getting into Mays since you still have to take those prerequisites. Your GPA is great though. Your upper level courses have to be in Mays for a degree from Mays but I’m not sure if there is an exact requirement in credits for that. I do know once you transfer into Mays you have to be ready for upper level which is an application process as well. They don’t have a lot of Wiggle room.

Have you spoken to an advisor at Tamu? And what about doing allied health with a minor in business?

Oh another option since you want finance… is you can apply for a masters in finance and do it concurrently you’re junior senior year!! Check that out on Mays website and let me know if you have questions. It’s a great masters for Stem and Econ majors.

Thank you so much for replying! I sent an email to an advisor from Mays, but I haven’t heard anything back. So I have been thinking about switching my major to Human Resource Development, which I think is quite relevant to business, and then I’ll go in depth with my Master. What do you think about HRD , is it a decent choice if i want to do business? Also, do you know if I have to accept my offer to Allied Health first before changing my major?

I think HRD is a great major. As a transfer, I’m not sure about changing majors. They are very specific about applying to the major you’re going to end with. Allied Health accepted you, not TAMU. If you were a freshman, then you could do that, but I’m pretty sure you cannot do that as a transfer without having HRD accept you.

Keep trying those advisors.

I got it figure out, and you were right. I have to wait for the Spring semester to apply into something else. I have been doing a lille research to help me figure out the best fit to my situation, and I have come up with a few possible major to consider:

Economics- but with the classes I’m taking right now and 2 ECON requirement classes, that place me above 60 maximum transferable credits. Do you know if I could get away with that?
Agribusiness- I notice they offer 2 choice of major, and wish to take Agribusiness as first choice, Agricultural economic or Economic as my second. Do you know, if I got accepted to both, can I choose which one to major in? Or, once I got admitted to my 1 choice, 2 choice will automatically become inconsiderable?
Also, does placing Economics as a second choice, I would have lesser chance of going into that department, compare to other who pick Economic as their first choice?
HRD- which we have been discussing.

Thank you so much for helping me !!

Changes of major can be tricky if you have too many hours but it’s easier than transfer hours. Once you are in your major (allied health), when you change major, you aren’t necessarily applying so you won’t have a first or second choice. Does that make sense? You’ll just meet with advisor for the one you want and ask to change majors.

Hey everyone! Have a quick question about my chances to being admitted as a transfer for Fall 2020! I am applying to Communication with a 3.54 GPA and a B in the one required course, ENGL 1302. I have 24 hours and one of the classes done that they “recommend”. Thoughts??

I’m assuming you have already applied? You said you are applying so just want to be sure. If so, you should be admitted with that gpa and required courses complete.