TAMU 2025 Brown Scholar

He is happy at Mosher and made friends there. We are from OOS, so he did not know anyone at TAMU and ended up rooming with another OOS kid. Most Aggies are Texans, so it makes him a bit of an outsider. He has been active in various social and athletic groups, and I think he has a reasonably fulfilling social life. He was expecting more academic challenge than materialized for him in the first semester, but he is moving ahead and creating more challenge with the classes he chooses. Once he goes through ETAM, he will be able to take more challenging courses and will probably be happier with the rigor of his classes.

Based on my son’s experience, he would say it’s difficult to break into research or some of the engineering clubs/teams as a freshman. He has spoken to enough older students to know that his experience is pretty typical and he will have more opportunities as he progresses.

Part of the Engineering Honors experience is the ENGR 181 class that is a series of discussions of the various engineering disciplines. He found that class helpful. He went in planning aero, but that seminar may have convinced him to go for mechanical. He hated CLEN 181, the required “this is how college works” class, which he found insultingly basic.


@KWSoCal - any idea how many freshman they accept into the Engineering Honors program?

@ForU my $.02 worth, only do 1 honors program, no need for 2. And HANDS DOWN, any major/college specific honors program over University Honors.
My Aggie is Business Honors (BH). UH requires living in Lechner or McFadden, you can’t select your room or roommate; there’s a LOT fluff/busy work/Ice breakers, it’s based on a point system, a real hodge podge. My Aggie doesn’t have a single friend still in UH that started out in the program
they dropped after freshman year.
Don’t do it.


Great information!

That’s really helpful! And your son definitely performs very well in his freshman year and we hope to be able to follow some of that. Will keep your course planning and experience in mind. Thank you for thorough info!

This is amazing info, thank you very much! Just a quick question, have any of the Brown Scholars that they interact with struggled to maintain 3.75 required to get the 1st choice ETAM?

I’m fairly certain that they accept all qualified applicants to Engineering Honors. The living community, ECOS, has limited space.

There are plenty of very well qualified students who are meeting GPA for ETAM and moving right along. There are also plenty who are struggling. My POV is that students who come out of challenging high school programs (large schools with a full menu of APs, magnet programs or small, private schools with rigorous programs) do fine. A lot of kids are top achievers in schools that are not as rigorous, and they may struggle at TAMU. BTW, this is the first year with a 3.75 for automatic admission to engineering major of choice. Previously they only needed 3.5. TAMU says they want major acceptance to be more holistic and that is the reason for limiting automatic admission to 3.75+.


Looking forward to Fall 2022 :slight_smile:

So sorry, I am just now seeing this! Hands down, being a Brown Scholar at Texas A&M has been the greatest blessing and decision my daughter has ever made! She has several Brown Scholar friends who chose A&M over Georgia Tech and none of them regret it. Mr. Brown is the real deal----so vested in the kids. Being “labeled” a Brown Scholar is like having the name recognition of a Rolls Royce or Lamborghini or something in terms of getting internships and jobs. The Aggie connection is huge and the Brown Scholar network is ginormous. My daughter has had multiple desirable internship offers for last summer and this summer. She is a junior but will graduate in May in Computer Science and is going to use the “4th year” of her Brown scholarship to complete her masters in computer science. Texas in general is an awesome landing pad too for future employment and going to school there just helps start making all those connections early on. Gig 'em, Ags!!

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Mosher was a great place for my daughter to start out. The 4 boys and 1 bathroom thing shouldn’t be a big deal------their schedules will likely be all over the map. It wasn’t an issue for my daughter to be able to get in there. She stayed in Mosher 2 years (1 semester as a student and 3 semesters as an RA) and then moved to an apartment to have a kitchen and more food preparation options.

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Oh also, I don’t get on here anymore to read but had gotten a private message from someone else that notified me through my email to get on here. So, feel free to private message me if you are still in the question phase!