TAMU Blinn-TEAM : Fall 2017 parent perspective

Does anyone know if financial aid for TAMU and Blinn are listed separately on each of the student accounts or if the award reflected on the TAMU financial aid tab is for both locations?

It is for both locations. The aid covered the estimated cost of attendance of Tamu + Blinn

@goaggie : Thanks for the info on financial aid for TAMU Blinn-TEAM. I have no info on financial aid.

We have the Texas Guaranteed Tuition account for our girls and did not fill out financial aid forms. That was such a great program.

Is it too late to apply for financial aid. My son was just admitted to TAMU Blinn - Team last week.

This saddens me. He was only offered $5k in loans! Just crazy.

@Jsmom1974 : I have seen students from our HS who have earned several small scholarships from the communities/ businesses that add up enough to really help with the cost of college, but it takes quite a lot of work to find and apply for these scholarships. Not sure where they found the info, possibly online or from the HS Counselor. Even a small amounts can add up. Have your son ask his HS counselor if there is a list of scholarships for your area, and also check online for scholarships. I have heard that there are even scholarships for certain surnames! Some deadlines may have already passed, but it is worth the effort.

Would it be possible for him get a Summer job and save that income for college expenses?

I wouldn’t recommend having a job while in college as it is a very stressful time, unless that is the only way y’all can afford for him to go to college. I put myself through college in the late 70’s/early 80’s. I had great financial need, earned some scholarships and grants as well as I worked in a Work/Study job for my entire time in college. But the W/S job meant less time to study and to participate in the social part of the college experience. I ended up with having to take out a small loan for part of my last year of college, and I also cleaned the house of my major professor (weekly) for cash for clothes and other personal expenses. I wish both then and now that I hadn’t had to work while in college, but I didn’t have a choice. I paid off the small student loan, but that also means that payment came out of my income for quite a number of years.

My husband put himself through college and an advanced degree by attending college for his undergraduate degree at a location close to home so he could live at home and save money, plus he worked while in college (but not during his advanced degree) and lived at home. He worked a lot during all of the Summers to finance each year. But again, he didn’t get to experience much of the social part of the “college life”. He took out only a small loan toward the end of his advanced degree and paid it off on time.

I would think that it would be very hard to be a TAMU student now and also have a job during college, at least as a Freshman. And having the opportunity to live the Aggie life in Aggieland is a very special opportunity, there is so much to do!

Good luck.I wish him all the best!

@AggieMomAgain Thanks you for the suggestions. We have applied for every scholarship we can get our hands on lol. I was just disappointed he didn’t get basically anything from the University as a top 10% admit. He has worked for over a year as a lifeguard and will receive a promotion when he goes back in March which will result in more pay. You are right, he doesn’t need to work his Freshman year. Especially since he is in the Engineering program. We will keep digging. I was just saddened he didn’t get more from FAFSA.

This was copied from my post on another thread in order to keep info on about my daughter’s Blinn-TEAM experience all together in one place. :slight_smile:

The question was: Does being selected for Blinn-TEAM negatively impact going through recruitment for Sororities at TAMU?

I can’t speak for all Sororities but here is what my daughter’s experiences have been. Both are members of the same Sorority.

My oldest daughter was a full admit after review in 2012. She went through recruitment and was selected by her first choice Sorority. Her roommate was Blinn-Team and at that time they were not allowed to go through recruitment.

At some point, students on Blinn-TEAM were allowed to fully go Greek. At first there were issues, but by Fall 2017, last year, it doesn’t seem to matter if you are on Blinn-TEAM.

My youngest daughter is currently a Freshman on Blinn-TEAM. She went through recruitment in Fall 2017 and was selected into the same sorority as her sister, who has now graduated. They are not in the same “family tree” though. But I am not a Greek so it is all new (Greek! ) to me!

Yes, my younger daughter is a legacy, but there are many girls in her class as well as Big Sisters who are/were Blinn-TEAM. Before she arrived in CStat, she was concerned that being on Blinn-TEAM would count against her but she said that no one cares anymore about who is full admit or Blinn-TEAM. It just isn’t an issue. There is a sorority sister who was regular Blinn for a year (last year) and she went through recruitment as a Sophomore TAMU student and was selected for her first choice house.

Perhaps many of the Top 10% admits do not go Greek.

Being in a Sorority has been wonderful for my girls. My oldest daughter met her best friend (and one of her Maids of Honor) during recruitment. They were roommates in the Sorority house as Sophomores and housemates Jr. and Sr. year. There were 6 Sorority sisters who were in my daughter’s wedding and a total of 15 Sorority sisters who attended the wedding! It was a really awesome photo with all of them. :slight_smile:

My youngest daughter has made wonderful friends in the Sorority. She already has a roommate lined up for next year and says she already knows who will be her bridesmaids. :slight_smile:

I am so happy at both of my girls have made close friends in their sorority. TAMU is a BIG place and being part of a sorority helps you to find a like minded group, a place to belong.

Good luck! Check out the Panhellenic info online. Work on getting your letters of recommendation for as many houses as possible, if not all of them. Have photos taken. Bring a variety of dresses and nice shorts, nice sandals with heels, flat sandals and new white tennis shoes. (I can’t think of the specific brand that my daughter wanted but I can ask her if you are interested). Also, you will need a tote bag to carry your change of shoes, a TINY BATTERY POWERED FAN, travel size deodorant, breath mints and lots of blotting paper!

Congratulations to everyone who receives an offer for Blinn-TEAM! It is a great opportunity to be an Aggie in Aggieland! :slight_smile:

Congratulations to everyone who was offered TAMU Blinn-TEAM!


My daughter finished her Freshman 2017 TAMU Blinn-TEAM year! She has great grades (3.4 overall gpa), made great friends and really enjoyed living the Aggie life in Aggieland! We are so grateful that she had this opportunity, Blinn-TEAM turned out to be wonderful for her. She will continue on Blinn-TEAM for 2018-19 as she isn’t sure of her major, and there is no “downside” to being on Blinn-TEAM.

Beginning with Freshman Fall 2018, Blinn-TEAM students will take their courses at the new RELLIS facility. This is a brand new facility. Continuing Sophomore 2018 Blinn-TEAM students will take their courses at the Blinn-Bryan campus. It would be great if someone will post info on their child’s experience for Fall of 2018 at the RELLIS facility.

Good luck to all!

Will it still be considered Blinn Team and will students still be considered Aggies with all the Aggie perks? I have heard that the RELLIS facility students are not considered Aggies, not able to live on campus, etc. Has anyone heard if this is true?

As far as I know, the only change is that starting Freshman Fall 2018, Blinn-TEAM students will take their Blinn courses at the RELLIS facility instead of on the Blinn-Bryan campus. Students who will be Sophomores 2018 (like my daughter) will continue taking their Blinn courses at the Blinn-Bryan campus. It is probably a way to alleviate the overcrowding at the Blinn-Byran campus. Parking is atrocious!

Looking at the Frequently Asked Questions on the Transition Academic Programs page for Blinn-TEAM, they don’t seem to have any new info reflecting the addition of the RELLIS facility. I am sure that the info is somewhere online.

I can’t ever seem to add links to my postings here, but you can contact people in the Blinn-TEAM office directly. Click on the CONTACT US info at the bottom of the Blinn-TEAM info pages. They email and phone numbers available.

To make sure that you know exactly what Blinn-TEAM will be for you, get the correct info from the source. And then post your findings on College Confidential for everyone else who has the same questions. :slight_smile:

@AggieMomAgain Thank you for being such a great help for Parents like us who have no clue at Blinn-Team. My kid w an HS Senior is applying for Biology Major with 26 in ACT and Top 34% School Rank with plenty of strong EC and leadership programs.
What do you think the chances are getting into A&M?? THANK YOU!!

@avvi: Glad to help! This forum was very helpful when our family was going through the process for Fall 2017. I am glad that this topic is still relevant. :slight_smile:

Being a Review Applicant is just tough any way that you look at it. With an 26 ACT and 34% HS rank, the odds aren’t good for a full admissions offer but I would hope that your child will receive at least an offer of Blinn-TEAM. But half of what is considered (essay/LORs, etc) can only be seen by the reviewer and hopefully, your child has grabbed the attention of their reviewers. Unfortunately, most Review Applicants have to wait until after New Year’s to receive their offer. It is a LOONNNGGG and stressful process.

Your child’s ACT score looks like it is at or just barely below the average for TAMU. They could help their chances if they can retake the ACT at TAMU or take the SAT. Is their Science/Math score high? If so, that will look good for a Biology major. My daughter’s SAT English component was high (high enough that she would have been eligible for English Honors IF she had been in the Top 25%, LOL) and that could have been a factor in her selection to Blinn-TEAM. I still don’t know what were the factors that earned her a Blinn-TEAM offer, but we are all extremely grateful!

If your child can identify their weaknesses and improve their score even a little, that will help. They can’t do much about their class rank at this time, but getting closer to or above the threshold score for Academic Admissions would be a great boost to their chances. If they can channel the time and energy they are using to check their admissions status online (and stress about having no updates) into studying and improving their scores, that would help. It is just hard to do while also juggling Senior classes, ECs and all of the fun stuff of Senior year.

It is mainly a space issue. There are so many thousands of people who want to be an Aggie and there just isn’t enough room for everyone as a Freshman. And there will be students who start out in CStat and decide that it isn’t for them.

I hope that your child receives at least a Blinn-TEAM offer. But if not, have a Plan B for getting to CStat. Check out all of the other TAMU system campuses so that you will be ready if they receive a PSA offer. Also look into the PTA program, I’m not sure if there is one for Biology or not. It is better to research the info in the beginning when you have the time and not need to use it rather than have to scramble later.

I wish that my daughter had had more info on Blinn-TEAM while she was under review. She was initially very disappointed to receive the Blinn-TEAM offer but with more info, realized that it was a great opportunity.

A lot of people start out elsewhere and end up earning their degree from TAMU. The diploma and ring are the same. The respect and the Aggie network for finding jobs come with the ring and diploma.

I wish that I could reassure you that your child will get in as a full admit, but there just isn’t any way to make that prediction. The Review process is long, but please try to enjoy the Senior year. It goes by quickly.
Good luck, keep us posted!

Are you the parent or the applicant? You have a thread where you post as the applicant and in responses, you post as a parent.

@Thelma2 can you please share the link to that post.


This is the one that your user name is the applicant dated Wednesday, Sept. 12 at 9:22 am

and on the same date at 9:35 post #113 it is as a parent

If there are two users on one account, Terms of Service for College Confidential does not allow shared accounts

Its not shared account, just one account and that me. Thanks

MODERATOR’S NOTE: The thread in which the child posted has been deleted. As @Thelma2 stated, people are not allowed to share an account. The child should open a separate account.

Howdy!! :slight_smile: It is now February and possibly getting close to the time for TAMU Blinn-TEAM offers to start coming out. I have seen some parents posting on the 2323 Admissions page that their students don’t think they would accept a Blinn-TEAM offer, and I would like to give my perspective as a parent of a current Blinn-TEAM Sophomore in Spring 2019. Please read my posts at the beginning of this thread to catch up on her as a Freshman 2017 TAMU Blinn-TEAM and I’ve answered quite a few questions.

My daughter received her Blinn-TEAM offer on February 14th, 2017. So even though if feels like y’all have been waiting FOREVER, this is just part of the process. I know of one Aggie family from many many years ago who didn’t get an offer until MAY of their year. Take a deep breath and try to find something good about each day. These last months of High School go by quickly, don’t waste them on worrying, it won’t make the offer come any quicker.

Since my daughter is currently a Sophomore, she is taking classes at TAMU campus and at Blinn-Bryan campus. The Freshman of 2018 are taking their classes at the Rellis facility and I don’t know anything about those changes. Sorry, but hopefully a parent of a 2018 Blinn-TEAMer will post their experiences.

My daughter decided to stay on Blinn-TEAM for 2 years as she wasn’t sure if she wanted to stay with her Major (English) and thought it would be easier not to have to make the choice yet. I think that she has decided to stick with English and she knows that she wants to go on to work on a graduate degree. I wish that students were allowed more time to make that decision, they are so young that they don’t even know WHAT THEY DON’T KNOW yet! There is a big wide world out there and they’ve only seen a tiny slice.

My daughter is currently living in her Sorority house and drives to Blinn-Bryan or rides with friends. Several of her Sorority sisters are also on Blinn-TEAM, it did not matter at all when she went through recruitment. Last year she rode the bus from campus, but she lived just off campus last year and is further away this year.

She has made great grades in her classes on both campuses. She was 53% of her HS class (unweighted gpa 3.5, weighted 4.7, SAT 1250 E670/M580) at a very competitive suburban HS and was well prepared for the rigor of TAMU. And the Blinn classes are not fluff either! Sometimes she will have a A in the TAMU classes and will just miss an A in a Blinn class! :confused:

She says that there have been people in all of her classes who have struggled or dropped classes, complaining that everything is much harder than their HS. Productive time management is the key. It is possible to make good grades AND have a social life in college. Both are important parts of becoming a fully functioning adult. Her Sorority functions keep her busy, but there is also a gpa requirement in the Sorority so they all support each other.

Blinn-TEAM has been a great option for my daughter! While she was initially disappointed to not receive Full Admissions like her sister (HS Class '12, TAMU Class '16) when we investigated how the program has changed over the years, she realized Blinn-TEAM was a great offer that allowed her to be an Aggie in Aggieland!

The ONLY thing that she cannot do that a Full Admit can is PLAY AN NCAA SPORT FOR TAMU. That is the ONLY difference. Blinn-TEAMers can live on campus, join the Corps, go through Greek Recruitment (my daughter joined her first choice Sorority), buy a Sports Pass, a Meal Plan, a Parking Pass, etc. She has all of the benefits of living the Aggie life in Aggieland and will earn the honor and prestige of a TAMU diploma and ring and the invaluable help of the Aggie Network.

No one in Aggieland cares who is taking classes at Blinn. A lot of full admits take classes at Blinn because of scheduling, cost, etc. The hours at Blinn cost less so we pay cash for them and our daughter is saving hours in her Texas Guaranteed fund for her future grad school hours. The only people who think that Blinn-TEAM is “less than” are not in Aggieland and don’t have all of the info.

It is a space issue. There just isn’t enough room at TAMU for everyone who wants to be an Aggie. Look at it as just taking classes in a different building. Does that matter? At her NSC, the Blinn TEAM adviser stated that TAMU “has to take all of the Top 10%, but they WANT all of the students who are offered Blinn-TEAM as they fully expect those students to be qualified to thrive at TAMU”.

I realize that a lot of students get their feelings hurt over not receiving a full admit offer and they choose to go out of Texas. The big picture is that option has the potential to cost someone a lot of money, whether y’all have student loans or parent loans. And you also have to factor in travel costs. This extra outpouring of money now could affect when they can buy a house, start a family or when you retire, unless your student is in a degree plan where the guaranteed Return on Investment is REALLY high. Just something to think about.

Hang in there!

@AggieMomAgain thanks for reviving this thread! lots of valuable information that should answer many questions for those seeking guidance.