Perspective from CURRENT Blinn TEAM student

So last year around this time I remember waiting to hear back from TAMU and I checked this board a whole bunch. Coming out of HS where my graduating class was around 1000 at a super competitive 6A HS, I was top 25% with a 1290 SAT and 27 ACT along with multiple extra curricular activities. Going to a&m was a dream of mine so when I heard back on 2/8/18 and got blinn team I remember being a little disappointed. Originally I thought if I got blinn team I would decide to go elsewhere but after going on this board and seeing posts about blinn team i decided to do it! Anyways I’m class of 22 and ALL blinn team freshmen are at the RELLIS campus, not the bryan one. For those who don’t know RELLIS is brand new this year and is off of hwy 47, which is about 15 minutes from campus. The building is super nice and honestly nicer than the majority of buildings at TAMU. All of the classes that I take through blinn are at the RELLIS building and probably 95% of the people in my classes are Blinn Team, which is different from the bryan campus where the classes are probably a mix of just blinn people and Team people (which the team people there are sophomores) . They let blinn team people live on campus (I live on campus in a modular dorm) and they have a bus that will take you to rellis. Also Team people can have a sports pass, join sororities/frats, FLOs, and pretty much any org at TAMU. Also I wanted to note that starting with class of 22 they changed the requirements of Blinn Team to switch fully into a&m. All you have to have is a 2.5 GPA after 60 hours to transition fully to a&m, BUT they also told us at orientation that it is possible to switch fully after 2 semesters (which is what i plan on doing). They allow you to take 6 hours at a&m (2 classes) and then the rest at rellis. I took a total of 15 hours last semester (6 at a&m, 9 at rellis). Anyway Blinn TEAM is a great option and I feel completely at home at TAMU. I highly recommend it to anyone who gets it! If you have any questions feel free to ask because I know I had tons last year!

@gigem22, I’m glad it worked out for you! Sounds like you’re having a great time. Just a quick question, were u in-state or OOS?

@rjm2018 in state

Thank u @gigem22 !! My daughter is class of ‘23 OOS, and was offered admission to Blinn Engineering Academy. She will visit Aggieland this week! Hoping it goes well and she is not daunted by the small commute to Blinn-Rellis. Gig em!

@rockmom21 FWIW, After freshman year on campus, the majority of sophomores move off campus and everyday is a commute, whether you are just across the street, down the street by a block, etc. You’re walking or riding the bus or riding your bike. Most of the apartment complexes are on the bus route. Son now lives in a single family house we rent in Bryan with 3 other guys and they commute daily as it is also on a bus route. It is part of college life.

@rockmom21 How did it go???

@AggieMomhelp , well, she adores the school. She and my husband visited the Zachary Engineering Building and they were both impressed. She likes the layout and feel of the campus, the friendliness of the students. The Corps was eye opening, a lot to process, and she’s still thinking about it, but not decided yet. The restrictions are daunting (to her) as she is used to having her “own” time (she’s an artist by hobby and she spends a lot of downtime drawing, which will take a back seat, among other things)… but she was impressed by what she saw.
Still in decision mode. Got into Cal Poly Pomona Over the weekend but still no SLO decision. Ugh.

Oh and she tried out for the Aggie band but will not hear back until May (if she makes it) and she said that she was maybe the 3rd of forty (?) kids who want to try out for percussion, vying for 10 spots. Hmm. Not sure if she has the details right but it’s definitely not a sure thing. Lots of competition there.

That’s so exciting! Good for her for trying out. That’s huge! Yay for Pomona. And yes, the Zachary building is so cutting edge. Great Audio/Video technology.

how big is the workload if you wanna transfer after two semesters? like how many classes would you have to take?

@rockmom21 My son too is a percussionist and musician, besides being an engineer. His closet is a recording studio He thought about the corps but in the end he could not commit to the requirements over him having time for his music and other pursuits. He often plays in the Flag Room or there are places you can reserve a piano and play. He has instruments at his house but sometimes its easier to go elsewhere when de-stressing.
Good luck on the band That is exciting.

@justanothajunie What do you mean how big is the workload after transferring? That is very vague? Are you majoring in rice crispy puffs or Aerospace engineering? The workloads are vastly different. Are you wanting to know how many classes you have to take per semester to be considered a full or part time student or how many classes you have to take to earn degree?
More specifics please

@justanothajunie It’s pretty much just your typical workload. I took 15 hours last semester and I’m currently taking 12. And it also depends on what major you want to go into. If you go to and look at the page that says “change of major requirements” then you can see what is required depending on your major. is also where you can find a lot of TEAM info. For instance, I am a Communication major and all they require to get in is a 2.75 GPA

@Thelma2 i mean what is the workload like if you wanna transfer after two semesters. how many classes would i have to take to be able to do that? and i would wanna transfer into public health

@justanothajunie Here is the current transfer course sheet to TAMU for public health and the requirements

BUMP for the benefit of all families receiving TAMU BLINN-TEAM offers today! =D> :D/