TAMU Class 2025 - PTA (guaranteed transfer)

The earliest you can transfer into Tamu is the summer after freshman year. Some take longer but no one is accepted as transfer with only one semester under their belt regardless of how many Dual credits they have.

Yes I’m aware. I have been asking various people whose kids’ did transfer, because I am building up data on what the ‘average’ is. For my son who thinks he can do it in a year, I am finding most people take 2 years or sometimes even longer to complete the requirements. Hence my question to txmomuv2 – just so I can collect more data

Blinn in College Station. She had a lot of friends going, TAMU and Blinn, so she just wanted to be there. Looking at the Public Health transfer sheet, it seems more difficult. They have a minimum hr requirement of 42 hours and quite a few required courses. Depending on how many AP/DC hours your son son already has, he may not be able to transfer in for Fall 2023. UTD is a great school. A friend’s son chose it with a full scholarship over TAMU with a partial scholarship as he didn’t want to take the chance of not getting into his desired engineering program. Be sure to follow the transfer sheet and cross check the classes on the TAMU equivalency website to ensure they transfer correctly. Also meet with the advisor in the Public Health department to see what the actual requirements are. Depending on how competitive it is, it may say minimum 3.0 but you really need a 3.2, etc.

My daughter came in with 20 DC/AP hours and transferred in after one year. There were certain science and math classes that were required for Allied Health.

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Thank you much for your valuable inputs.He seems to be all set and happy to move on with UTD as there are so many research options, interns and mentorship for the major he would commit. Iam the one doing “tug of war “ here:)
We will do more research on the transfer requirements as you suggested. Thank you

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My second was accepted today as a transfer. He chose going to Blinn and transferring in over PSA or PTA, same as his sister two years ago. The first year goes by fast and Blinn is a great transition to TAMU.


Thanks! Do you mind if I ask what his major was - and why it took him 2 years instead of one? How many hours did he have? 24? 30? … or more? My son is considering PSA vs. PTA vs. just a straight Blinn Transfer, but he worries that transfer would take 2 years or more, while PSA would take just one year.

Sorry for the confusion. My daughter graduated 2 years ago and was offered PSA. She chose straight transfer and transferred after one year into Allied Health. My son graduated last year and will straight transfer after one year to Technology Management.


That’s great that they were able to get it done within one year. So it’s possible after all! I’ve read people here and on Reddit saying it took them 2 years or even longer to get the requirements done.

It’s 30 credits. 2 15 credit semesters.

Or straight transfer is 24. I choose that over pta every time.

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For Biology or Chemistry, the required math that is part of the 30 / 24 credits is a math that you have to be able to place into. Many people have to start by taking two prerequisite classes. So it can take a little longer than you think if you’re doing Bio or Zoology or Chem… unless you can take a placement test at the community college and jump straight to the required math.

Most and I mean the majority are able to jump right into the required engineering math. If not, take a summer course and be ready to jump right in for the fall semester.

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