TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@angsmi Where did you read Engineering takes 100 internal and 100 external transfers?
Transfers are done by the specific major within the College of Engineering and many have seat constraints. This past trasfer cycle, only 5 spots were available for Computer Science and in some years there were 0 spots for petroleum. Current at the time general engineering students at College Station, Galveston, Blinn/Bryan, and McAllen have priority for seats and then current engineering students wishing to switch majors have second priority for seats. Transfer, both internally and externally, will receive their decisions after each ETAM process.

@Agmom1 Their false indignation at such news about Admissions. They know dang well that Admissions says that or they are out of touch with how admissions works. There is an Admissions Officer on TexAgs that states it in writing every admissions cycle that Mays and other colleges fill up. We know it does because Auto/Academic admits have been placed in second choice majors because impacted majors are full. It is not news. While impacted majors (those with X number of seats) do fill by first come, first served rolling admissions, if a really highly qualified review applicant comes through, they could be considered for admissions to that college that is considered closed.

Colleges do not want to discourage applicants from applying. With 46,000 applications received, of which only 42,000 were complete, they just took in $300,000 off of those 4,000 incomplete applications.
It is a cash windfall to receive tens of thousands of applications and yield a 10,000-10,500 freshman class.

@2023futureaggie tabs usually only appear for full admissions offers and AIS is the one that updates first usually or you can go into HOWDY and look at major under the Applicant tab

My son got the pathways offers for engineering today. While we were hoping full admit based on his academic admit status, we are still thrilled!

@Txkellygirl congrats. And while he wonā€™t take every class on main campus, consider it full admissions. Great pathway and has all the perks with less money!!!

@all. Once you are offered team or gateway, you too will get 6 tabs!

@AggieMomhelp How many classes so blinn academy admits take on the tamu campus? and do they get facilities such as zachary?

I called admissions and they said all engineering decisions should be out by early next week. Don`t know if this is true or not.

Did anyone else get the financial aid letter? I am confused because I feel like Iā€™ve heard everywhere else that scholarships arenā€™t all released until around March or even later into the summer so I donā€™t understand why I already got this letter. Is there still a chance that I can still get additional scholarships from the school than what they say theyā€™re offering right now?

@mokama01 my daughter also got that letter. I emailed the financial aid office with a question about it. The email indicated that all scholarships for incoming freshmen have already been offered. I hope that isnā€™t true, but Iā€™m not holding out much hope for any thing else.

Is it bad that some of us havenā€™t gotten any update?

We have seen very few non-engineering admits today (only 2). No telling how many students, not on this forum, were accepted but doesnā€™t seem like much of a wave so hoping more to come. :slight_smile: Hang in there and donā€™t give up hope. Until you have a decision on your AIS then it isnā€™t fully over.

Merit scholarships have been distributed, from my understanding. Need based aid grants/scholarships and departmental scholarships are still yet to come

Admitted to CStat engineering this evening!

Huge thanks go to @Thelma2 and @AggieMomhelp. You two run a really close knit and informative forum here, keep it up!

@Thelma2 whatā€™s your source regarding merit scholarships? Arenā€™t there some that donā€™t come out until this month or March as others have said?

If we just got our admission decision today but no financial aid letter with it does that mean we donā€™t get any? All our other offers from other schools came later but I am reading all offers are out for merit?

@Txkellygirl I didnā€™t receive my financial aid letter until 3-4 days after my acceptance so I would just wait a little bit to see if you get anything.

Iā€™m nervous because I have yet to receive a decision. I only had a 26 ACT and 1280 SAT but I am a full time AP student with a 4.2 GPA and really good extracurricualrs. My goal is to get blind team, but I am just waiting on a response. I applied 10/20 and havenā€™t heard anything so I am losing hope. Any advice? My first choice was Buisness and second Communications. I only have 3 tabs and my AIS says ā€œyour app is complete and in reviewā€. Honestly what are my chances of getting full admit or blind team ?

I also have around 30 transferable credits from Dual credit and Ap scores

But iā€™m 14% and iā€™m scared that iā€™m going to be denied both full admit and blinn

@Thelma2 @AggieMomhelp if you have a financial aid letter in the financial aid portal is that all you will be offered? Also how do you apply for possible in state tuition?

Also how do you apply for possible in state tuition?<<<<<<<<

What do you mean by this? Residency criteria is stated on TAMUs site. It isnā€™t something that you can just ask for unless you satisfy residency reclassification requirements or get 4K of qualifying scholarships (AKA hens teeth)

@Sybylla thats what I was asking. I could not remember the details of how you qualified for that.