TAMU Class of 2023 - Admission Decisions/Discussion


@janewalton I am just a parent who has been reading this board. Based on what I’m seeing, and the scores of my daughters friends, full admission might be a reach at this point. Business was full by October, so that’s off the table. I don’t know anything about Communications. Hopefully you will hear a decision soon!

I’m a parent and we are still holding out on a final decision for my daughter. She’s an OOS student. Why does there appear to be more emphasis in Reviews for engineering students? No matter the outcome, I believe as a few other parents that have posted- Students will ultimately find the “perfect/good-fit” school for them. Good luck to all the students still waiting.

@52AG82 Ny friend just got accepted to Texas A&M last week as a holistic review applicant for buisness. So I don’t think buisness is really full.

When they give you COA in your financial letter does that include everything? Tuition, dorm room, meal plan? I am just trying to figure all of this out. They are wanting me to take out $33,000 in loans out and I want to know more about what this covers. If we take out that much each year and she is there 4-5 years thats a lot of money to be paying back especially me being a single parent with two more kids.


Scholarship funds are extremely limited and highly competitive. Every scholarship committee reviews many applications each year. Unfortunately, many qualified students do not receive awards. Only scholarship award recipients will receive official notification from the committees. In general, most scholarship committees will make their final decisions and will begin notifying award recipients in early spring. The notification process is usually completed by June 15. - Per A&M websites.

I thought I had read a post where someone had contacted FA and reported that all freshman scholarships had been distributed. I thought I had read it on the other FA thread, which I have not gone back to look at before writing you here, and if I got it confused with a past thread, I realize that is a huge blunder and will cause panic and I am sincerely sorry for that if this be the case.

What we do know: Academic Merit Scholarhsips are very competitive, A&M seems stingy compared to other schools in giving merit aid and many high stat kids are offered nothing.

Brown and Brockman are selected for class 2023.

Presidential Endowed Scholarships have shown up in accepted students FA portals already. In reading over the past years threads, these are awarded to NM, NMSF, Valedictorians and Salutatorians.

That said, when the PES are awarded to applicants who have been accepted, If that applicant chooses to attend elsewhere, then that money rolls down to the next person in line, thus, we see the PES show up later for some applicants.

I may have been hasty to claim all were distributed, as I have not seen/heard of McFadden or Lechner scholarships being awarded. None have been reported on this forum and it could be because the sampling is too small that participates here, or they are not released yet, which could very well be the case and I made a mistake- which I hope is the case.

I do not know if McFadden and Lechtner work in the same way as PES, but I am aware of a student who received the Lechtner in June, after others had received it much earlier. So, perhaps it does. This applicant also qualified for need based aid/grants and was URM for other aid.

The Academic Achievement Scholarships are different than the Academic Merit ones. The Academic Achievement Scholarships may continue to come out, which include Opportunity Awards.

Academic Achievement Scholarships are available to incoming freshmen who attended and graduated from TARGETED high schools in the State of Texas. Scholarships include the President’s Achievement Scholarship and Century Scholars.

The Regents Scholars
First-generation undergraduates whose total family income is less than $40,000 per year, based upon the calendar year prior to enrollment at Texas A&M University, are eligible for the Regents’ Scholarship.
Regents’ Scholars must live on-campus their freshman year and participate in one of Texas A&M’s learning communities.

Century Scholars Program
Century Scholars Program is a partnership between Texas A&M University and 110 under-represented Texas high schools to enroll and retain top students from each school.

As for need based aid, Texas A&M University’s packaging philosophy for need-based financial aid is to provide the greatest amount of gift aid to those students with the highest demonstrated need and to keep loan liability to a minimum. Financial aid is awarded on a first-come, first-served basis
If you are needs based, be careful some outside scholarships count against your allotted needs based awards - get advice - they can readjust your financial aid package. Some of the grants are tiered for example and your new scholarship can potentially cut your existing offer for a net lower amount.

College/Departmental Level Scholarships have not been awarded.
Awards are typically announced mid-spring for the following academic year. For class 2021, when the application deadline was extended by a month, these came out in April, which was considered much later than usual.

FWIW, a lot depends on the applicant pool. My son was NMSF for class 2020 and received no Merit Aid, didn’t qualify for need based aid. He is an engineering student. Has had an internship full time every summer at Lockheed Martin that he obtained as a Senior in high school. On A days, he would go to two classes in the morning and then to work. Just sayin
It’s tough.

@DaughterEngineer Out of state tuition waiver is extremely hard to get. The state limits how many a school can give out. University wide, according to DARS, for fall 2018, there were 187 first time in college freshmen at College Station campus that had a OOS tuition waiver. They are very competitive.

Got 3 choices yesterday, selected Blinn-Bryan option. It says I am now being considered, how long does it take for a final decision/enrollment information.
Thanks a lot

Hello @Thelma2 @AggieMomhelp

I was accepted to the General Engineering on January 11 and before that to TAMU. I just wanted to know that when is my priority deadline for housing (is it 30 days from the Engineering Admit or University Admit)?

Are admissions full for blinn bryan academy after friday`s wave or is there still another wave due?

@DaughterEngineer, TAMU does not want you to take out loans, you apply to schools that are affordable, desirable OOS publics don’t give money to OOS kids in most states. It is important to remember that many kids entering engineering (anywhere, not TAMU) do not get past the first year, maybe 50% plus don’t make it, many will self select our before any ETAM, You have a nice local offer, IIRC?

@Sumeetk27 You had better get to hopping. It is your admissions to the University.


What should I do now? I am in the Corps of Cadets Program. Will I get a place in the Corps Hall?

Thank you @Thelma2 for the thorough response (as always). I assume your son received the standard NM award package but nothing beyond that. Is that right? If I may ask, did he get any outside scholarships or did you guys have to do loans?

@Sumeetk27 Go apply and put that info into the housing App. Get it done. Being CORPS, that is a bit different than regular students and it is only February 9. Today is day 29.

Sorry Y’all, on the novel I posted #3105 about scholarships, I was putting it together from my notes and sources I had and mistakenly stated that my son was NMSF. He was actually NM Commended NOT Semi Finalist. Sorry for the confusion. Thank You @bemart14 for bringing that to my attention by asking the question.

If you’re in the corps you have to get housing. But yes, put in the deposit and apply. They aren’t going to turn any corps person away. You have to live with your unit. Whether you pay now or May 1st but no point in waiting.

@Sybylla my daughter was accepted to University of Tennessee CoE. Tuition, room, books and meal plan and what they consider travel and extra expenses is about $32,000 for in state. But she will get a Pell Grant, FSEOG, Hope ( lottery scholarship), and a scholarship from the University. We are still waiting to hear about a scholarship from the CoE. Really tuition U of TN is expensive for in state. We are lucky and only going to owe about $8000 for the first year maybe less if we get something from the CoE. Due to TAMU OOS tuition being close to U of TN in state we were hoping to get something close to that.

@DaughterEngineer “Due to TAMU OOS tuition being close to U of TN in state we were hoping to get something close to that.”

U Tenn has 5K of non billable expenses that is not really countable. It would seem to me that instate at Utenn (31K) is about the same as instate at TAMU (31) whcih will differ when you adjust for housing and food plans (which are nuanced)
OOS at TAMU is not 31K. It is >50K. (52 at Galveston, 56K at c stat)

If i haven’t heard? Is that bad news ?