TAMU Class of 2023 - Engineering Admission Decisions

@Thelma2 I wanted to post my son’s stats
Applied - October
UIN - October
Engineering Decision - Feb 12
TEAM / Galveston / ? (can’t remember) offer.
TEAM selected and admitted
Class rank - 1st Q
SAT 1320 610/710 math

He had a better SAT but CollegeBoard did not send the correct score when requesting a rush… long story short they finally got his improved score 1360 (630/730) but not until end of January so I don’t think it was considered.

All in all happy that he has a choice between A&M and his other favorite University of Arizona :slight_smile:


Earlier in this thread, you stated that it’s recommended you apply for housing within 30 days. Does it matter when within those given days I apply? Does every second count?

@JhaveyJ pay housing deposit immediately!

Just paid the deposit. Am I rushed on time for the steps afterward, or can I take my time. (The following steps include choosing interest and roommates). Trying to get into the Engineering Village LLC.

@Thelma2 do you have any other college confidential threads you recommend following for incoming freshman students (and clueless parents) of engineering?

@JhaveyJ most important thing-right now-is getting housing deposit paid. Go to TAMU website and look up Housing. There is a list of dorm descriptions, LLC, etc. You’ll need to have multiple options in mind, as most don’t get their 1st choice.
Check portal often, for updates on housing selection. Right now nothing is open, you just need to figure out the different styles and location on campus. If you are able, I highly recommend taking a dorm tour.

@llifetraveler there’s a parent question and answer page for TAMU.


Will you post your stats please?

All, if you are an engineering applicant (your your student is) will you please post your stats if you have not? Also, if you have already received your admission decision and when. Auto/Academic and Review admits please.

I am playing catch up.

PM me if you rather.

If you are any other major and a REVIEW applicant and reading this, I would like yours too.

Date Applied
Major applied to
Day you received admission to University
Date you received admission to Engineering
What was your admissions offer
If offered choices of GV, TEAB or McAllen, what did you choose:
SAT/ACT with sub scores
Class rank percentage if you know it and what quarter if assigned
Any specifics like SAT II subject scores, highest math and physics taken in high school, other engineering related stuff.

Thank You

If you look at the top of the page, it shows
Home / College Discussion / Colleges and Universities / Alphabetic List of Colleges / T / Texas A&M University

Click on the Texas A&M University and it will list all active thread for A&M currently going on.

There is a Housing and Move in Thread as well as a Registering for NSC thread that are very helpful

Date Applied: 9/17/19
Major applied to: Computer engineering
Day you received admission to University: N/A (review admit)
Date you received admission to Engineering: 1/28
What was your admissions offer: the three pathways
If offered choices of GV, TEAB or McAllen, what did you choose: TEA
SAT/ACT with sub scores: 1310 ( Math 730, English 580)
Class rank percentage if you know it and what quarter if assigned: 1st quarter
Math and Science classes: AP Calculus AB, AP Calculus BC, OnRamps Physics 1, AP Chemistry
ECs: Swim team captain for 2 years, eBay business, NHS, Mu Alpha Theta, youth leader

congrats @sdswims Very exciting!!! Best of luck and with your stats and readiness, I know you’ll do great!!

Someone on this thread asked if and when TEAB students would receive their Howdy package and sign. My son got his yesterday!

Yes all TEAB/TEAM/Galveston/McAllen will get the banner for TAMU.

Make sure you take the classic banner picture @tamuhopeful2023!!!


Date Applied: 10/13/18
Major Applied to: Chemical Engineering
Day you received admission to the University: 2/8/19 (Blinn)
Date you received admission into Engineering: 2/13/19
What was your admission offer: the three pathways
Pathway Chosen: Blinn/Bryan
ACT Score: 29 (Science 32, English 28, Reading 30, Math 25)
Class Rank Percentage: Top 14%
Top Math/Science Classes: AP Chemistry, AP Stat…APES? Aerospace Engineering, Enginnering Robotics, Engineering Des/Prac, Engineering Math, Engineering 101

(I apologize if the formatting appears horrible on a desktop. I was forced to type this through my phone.)


Just to be clear, I’ve partaken in more AP classes. These, along with my Engineering coases, we just the ones relevant to my major.

Do I need to quickly finish my housing application for the Engineering Village even after I’ve already paid the $70 application fee? It’s quite a long process that I’d probably sit down with a parent to complete. Am I guarreteed a spot to LLC since I’ve secured a permanent residence status?

@JhaveyJ you definitely aren’t guaranteed a spot in the dorm you want, even if you want Engineering LLC. Sorry. I ‘think’ the only students who get guaranteed are University Scholars, because they require a specific dorm to live in. If more Engineering students pick the Engineering LLC before you, and they fill up, then its full. I could be wrong, but fairly certain.
My daughter did all her housing stuff, so I don’t know about timing, but I’d say get it done sooner rather than later, but you should be okay waiting to fill out with your parents. Most important thing is to pay housing deposit.

@JhaveyJ Getting the application in and the fee paid get you the date stamp.

The engineering LLC is expanded since the class of 2020 (my son) when it was strictly at Mosher.
Now, it is Mosher, Kruger and Aston Buildings

Engineering Honors Community of Scholars (ECOS) and some Women in Engineering students will have room assignments together within one building per program requirements; however, most Engineering Village students will be able to choose any of the buildings above.

During a specific period of time, students selected for this program will be able to choose a roommate(s) from other students selected for the same Living Learning Program. Students may post profiles within the myHousing Portal and view responses by other students to their roommate questionnaire (i.e., sleep schedule, noise, cleanliness, etc.). Following this specific time period, students will be assigned a room with their requested roommate within the block of rooms designated for the Living Learning Program.

A thing to remember, these buildings are 4 floors and there are no elevators. My son lived on the first floor and spent a lot of time on the 4th floor with his best friend. Be totally honest on the roommate questionnaire. My son is very out going and his roommate was a total introvert and while everything was cordial, he wasn’t comfortable with company, thus my son hung out elsewhere. Roommate was a total night owl and at 3am, the computer clicking made it hard to sleep. Also, be honest about being a slob. My son doesn’t think he’s a slob but he is messy. Roommate was not.

@AggieMomhelp Thank you! I truly appreciate all the help that you, Thelma, and several others have provided in helping me to ultimately decide upon my decision for A&M :slight_smile: I can’t wait to start the next chapter of my life. Good luck to all!!

So my son applied in October and he is still in review for engineering. At this point, should we just assume he isn’t getting in?