TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@TC12Racer I can’t log in either, my AIS works but Howdy portal doesn’t

My daughter got her PSA offer tonight. Now she has the tough decision of going to Tarleton for a year, and guaranteed Aggie next year, or Baylor which she’s also really excited about. Her first choice was A&M so she’s a bit disappointed.

@aspoede Is your daughter an engineering major?

@aspoede It’s extremely weird that TAMU is sending out decisions on days that aren’t Tuesday or Friday when they update the AIS. As above askers, was your daughter an engineering major?

So when they upload on Friday is it in the morning?

@texangurl21 Usually yes

Good morning all. I had hoped we would see some sort of update to Howdy this morning, but nothing has changed. My DS is in the being considered for TEAM and waitlist bucket with Biology as first choice and Political Science as second. I thought he would decide to attend Blinn if he does not get TEAM or full admittance, but I think he is losing the desire to attend A&M with the long wait. We are attending Aggieland Saturday tomorrow. All the presentations are open, so we will attend the presentation for those admitted to TEAM to learn more about it. We will visit the dorms, attend the College of Science Biology presentation and visit the Political Science advisors. We have also scheduled another Baylor visit to help him make a clearer decision. Good luck to everyone still waiting…I hope we hear something soon!

@melmstx -Try again at 8:30 a.m. or after. I think that is when most updates occur . Good Luck.

Sometime between yesterday and this morning my sons AIS updated to PSA. Hard to believe they are turning away such qualified applicants. His first choice was Mays second choice Economics. SAT was 1270 with weighted GPA of 4.9. Lots of leadership and EC. While he’s always wanted to be an Aggie this made his decision easy. Arkansas it is! At least we can move forward now.

Seeing very little chatter about updates this morning. I felt for sure we’d see something early today. :frowning:

@christy1894 Arkansas is a great choice! The Walton Business School is excellent. We have several friends whose kids are at Arkansas, and they love it. Best of luck to your son!

@aspoede my son received PSA and he is heading to Tarleton. We visited the campus last year in preparation for this decision. His goal is to graduate from TAMU and he didn’t care if he had to start somewhere else. Tarleton is a very nice and clean campus. It’s in a small rural town but he stated that he could easily go to school there for a year. Corpus is also a popular choice but doesn’t have as strong a 4 year university feel as Tarleton imo.

Nothing for our son this morning. I really think he may be getting frustrated to the point to move on to another school. This is getting ridiculous. He is already in at Tarleton which is a PSA school, but can’t even get a decision at TAMU.

So has no one heard anything yet today? Friday is usually a decision day. Do you think they will update later today?

no update from non-engineering waitlist. what kind of decisions are left other than waitlist?

I am extraordinarily disappointed in the TAMU admissions process which really doesn’t get you into an actual engineering degree program, only gets you a chance–like a lottery ticket. It would be one thing if the alternate choices provided to the students were similar to their first choice. They aren’t and they aren’t accredited. Does anyone on this forum know what happens if a student is on a ROTC scholarship for a technical degree and the alternates provided aren’t even on the short list of acceptable degrees? They could meet all other requirements but still potentially lose their scholarship because TAMU doesn’t have enough slots to accommodate the student load but yet, the student was admitted into the college of engineering as if they could accommodate the student as long as the student made passing grades.

@mantasaur Blinn TEAM I believe

@Genpatton more than 80% get their first choice major in engineering. My money is on your student. I don’t however have a direct answer to your question.

And many engineering students actually change their mind in that first year on what aspect they want to study. I think it’s an excellent program to expose them to so much in that first year and then if they get a 3.5, then they automatically get their desired major. There’s no competing for that. If less than a 3.5, they still have a great shot!

@trinley I SO enjoyed our Tarleton campus visit/tour. The campus is beautiful & their strategic planning for the future in terms of new academic buildings/dorms/resources just shone thru. Something very special is going on there and I felt a strong sense of pride amongst everyone … students/faculty/staff. I still refer to it as ‘a wee hidden gem’ :slight_smile: Hope your son has a great year there.

Question…for those engineering students that were offered the 3 choices on January 31st, if they are not granted the option they chose, will they at least be offered PSA? I would hope so, but does anyone have any thoughts on that? I can only think that if they were good enough to be offered one of those alternate paths, wouldn’t they be good enough to be offered PSA?