TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@Thelma2 FYI I talked to a supervisor in admissions and she said they “no longer need a school profile from non ranking schools.” So how they do the ranking is a mystery to me. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that my son’s GPA is high enough to get him in the top 25%. He will be an auto admit and then the wait to find out about engineering begins!

@TexasAggie99 That is crazy. Not sure how they are going to do it and it be accurate. And you mean academic admit vs. auto, right? I’m correcting to make sure others don’t get confused. lol… there’s always at least one that will be like… wait, what? = )
Let us know when they rank your son. Anxious to see how they do it.

I just completed my app and my SRAR, is there any reason I did not receive an email with my NetID? Don’t think there is anything I can do until I get it

@lmm130 Give it a few days. Maybe tomorrow or Monday. It is never instant.

@AggieMomhelp we are out of state so for our situation it is academic admit.

I’ve been meaning to post this on behalf of my rising senior.

When did you apply: 7/19/2020
Class Rank: 9/783
SAT (with Sub Scores): 1st) 1400 (EBRW:740, Math:660) & 2nd) 1490 (EBRW:760, Math:730)
ACT (with Sub Scores): N/A
When did you receive your admission decision: Pending…
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Auto-Admit
Major/College of Choice: College of Liberal Arts

When did you apply? 07/27/2019
Class Rank: school does not rank
SAT: 1370
ACT: 28
When did you received admission decision:
Are you auto-admit, academic-admit or review admit:
Major/college of choice: 1. mechanical engineering 2. industrial engineering

On my AIS page, I still have a red X next to “class ranK” . My school does not rank, so I am unsure how this will ever be checked off, and my application deemed complete. Any advice is appreciated, as well on insight as to your guesses if I will be admitted.

@Latmpsn did you mean your application is marked incomplete or complete?

@TexasAggie99 it is currently incomplete. I am wondering how it will be marked complete if my school does not rank. Thanks

Did the advisor say they were basing rank off of GPA listed on the SRAR across the board for applicants? I wonder how they will be assigning a rank to non-ranking schools if the school’s profile is unnecessary…

@Latmpsn Information coming out of TAMU Admission seminars that are held all over the state, application review begins in September so it may take a bit for the AIS portals to be updated. We just don’t know how the ranking system works yet, because it is a new format.

Hello, I’m new here, I apologize in advance if I mess up something :slight_smile: Posting info for my son.
He’s in process of applying, he should finish any day now.
Class rank- 11%
SAT- not that great, in 1310, math 690, did better with ACT, he’s sending his ACT score.
ACT- 31 composite. English 29, Math 29, STEM 31, Reading 35, Science 31.
He doesn’t have anything special in EC- just Mu Alpha Theta, NASA Hunch, some Future business leaders of America Club. His hobbies are Saxophone, coding, writing, he’s moderating web, he was building some comp games with other people. He built his computer. Loves old languages- for example- learning Sumerian. He was on NMerit , but scored lower, only in 204 score last year.
My son started strong, skipped 2 grades of math, in 7th grade took ALG 1, 8TH grade Geometry, 9th grade Alg 2, 10th grade AP Statistics . Junior year started fine, he had a lot of AP classes -Pre AP PreCalculus, AP physics, AP English, AP Spanish, except in October my son got ill. Couldn’t attend school, the district put him on homebound and all his classes changed to regular classes, not AP, because the district was not able( or willing) to give him AP classes at home, except his lovely Spanish teacher, she volunteer to keep him in AP and teach him Spanish at home herself. He switched schools the second semester and doing better, but had to finish in his regular classes. He scheduled AP classes for his Senior year, Calculus, AP CS, AP English etc. He did already Chemistry, Biology, Physics, but in regular class, not AP. His school can’t offer him AP Physics, but he’s going to attend a class in community college this year. All his EC from his school ended when he got sick last year. No school clubs, but still doing his hobbies. Works part time.
I guess my question is- do you think he has a chance to get to engineering ? He always dreamed of AeroSpace, his second major would be CS, he’s very smart boy, I know, I know I’m his mother LOL, but really, I would hate to see him not succesfull because of his illness. Also, do you think he will have time to take another SAT and ACT before applying, or can we add his new scores later? He didn’t score that great on SAT, we believe it’s because of the medications he was taking, was messing with his brain and memory, foggy brain. He scored better on ACT, will be sending these.
TAMU is one of his dream schools, before his illness he wanted to shoot for MIT, that’s lost now, but hopefully A&M is not.? Can somebody advice us, please?
Thank you so much, and I apologize for such a long comment.

@MomOfTeens77 never apologize lol. Great first post. Your son sounds like a trooper and a smart one at that. His illness could work for him in allowing him to stand out and show his resilience. He qualifies for academic admit so he’s definitely into tamu. Based on what you told us, I truly believe he’ll get cstat campus for engineering. . Worst case, an academy or Galveston. But I digress. He should be good. Make sure his essay explains his story. His scores could be higher a but act is solid. Would take again, since there’s time and could also take residual act at tamu campus. Google that. It costs more and applies only to tamu admissions but it’s scored within 24 hours! Best of luck and keep us posted. Feel feee to ask as many questions as ya need. Plenty of willing parents in here that have been through it or are going through it.

Thank you so much for your reply. It’s so hard, couple of months ago we didn’t even know if my son will be able to attend some college. It’s very hard, even emotionally. My son is on the mend, hopefully, he’ll make everything work. He decided that he wants to go to college and pursue his dreams, I can just pray he’ll make it. :slight_smile: I will keep you posted, I’ll be here now pretty often, nervously awaiting with all other parents if our kids made it :slight_smile:

@momofteens77 This process is extremely stressful. Main thing to keep in mind is you won’t hear anything until after Oct. 15th in regards to Engineering. Since he’s an academic admit, he’ll hear from the university in September. Stay positive and keep him positive!!

@MomOfTeens77 I am familiar with what you described as “foggy brain,” my son experienced this after a concussion and subsequent medication and it persisted for a long time. I’m not sure if you have done this, but you can get test accommodations so that your son can take the SAT/AP/ACT with things such as extended time and this can continue into college for exams. If you haven’t already, talk with your school about it, they can apply for it for your son with a copy of a doctor’s report. Also, don’t rule out any school; your son has a great story of resilience, strength, and determination, make sure he tells it in his essays and short answers.

Thank you All for your encouragement :slight_smile:
Pbleigh- I’m sorry your son had concussion and issues after it, that’s terrible. I hope he’s doing better.? I know about accommodations, but my son doesn’t like it, he doesn’t want to distinguish himself with " I made it, because I had it easier. " You can explain him that it’s not the case, but he’s stubborn. :slight_smile: I guess he doesn’t want to feel different.? Don’t know how to describe it. At the end, it’s his decision.
AggieMomhelp- yes, it is stressful for most of the people. We are kind of anxious about the decision and he’ll be so happy to get into TAMU ENG, if he’ll get in, but honestly, I can tell you that after what we went thru last year, that’s not that important… And applying for college is just “nice” stress :slight_smile: What I want to say is, that there are so many colleges, but only one health. It’s nice to worry about things what every other students and parents worry about.:slight_smile:
Thank you again, let’s keep each other updated on our kids progress.

Amen Momofteens… normal stress vs. health stress is way more fun and boring. @thelma2 and I like boring. We were just talking about boring life is great about a month ago. Definitely a good perspective to have!!
As for your son not wanting to feel different… help him remember that he is different. Every student applying has their own story. Some more compelling than others but regardless, your story is what makes you, not necessarily what defines you unless you let it.

@MomOfTeens77 My son felt the same way but it was explained to him that he was at a disadvantage compared to his peers and that the accommodations are meant to even that out. Seems silly to intentionally put yourself at a disadvantage when taking tests when so much weighs on the score of those tests.

I totally agree with you, pbleigh. But, at the end of it all, it’s up to my son :frowning:
Aggie, he knows that everyone is unique individual. I always raised my kids with the sense of- You are youself, unique person and own it. What I meant is, my son loves to push his limits, before his illness more than now, but he didn’t want to feel like he has some “advantage” compare to other kids, even we know that’s not it. Pbleigh is right, it is silly. I believe, teens are silly. I supervise him in decisions, we talk and analyze things, but at he end, he makes his decisions. I wanted him to start in our community college and try to transfer somewhere after 2 years, when we’ll know that he’s completely healthy and well. He dreams big and loves A&M. We visited campus last summer and he just fell in love with the whole community and spirit of the school. He wants to belong…Fortunately, we live in Houston. Not that far from A&M.