TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

1st quartile with a 1400 I’m surprised he didn’t get full. I have a friend with a 1420 and a similar rank and he got full into engineering, so I’m willing to bet you’ll get into the Blinn program.

We are wondering the same thing for ARCHITECTURE College majors. My daughter has Viz as 1St choice & University Studies 2nd.
My son is a JR in Viz program.
She has already been accepted elsewhere. I’m assuming that top 10% filled the 100 spots. We are prob waiting for those 100 to accept or decline.
What other schools is your daughter interested/applied to?

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I sure hope so!

We are still waiting with no change. Wondering what this means. Did some of you get an email with 3 choices or on AIS? I wish they would just say a date like some colleges in stead of sending out like this in random.


Thanks. That makes me feel better. He’s disappointed, but will be even more so if he doesn’t get the Blinn Engineering Academy option. fingers crossed.

Hi! My daughter’s bff also applied Viz in Dec and was accepted but not Viz. Her AIS said it was full. Frustrated bc since we knew it would be harder for her to get into Viz b/c not auto admit, we visited and talked to them to find out how to best help her. They told us to apply as early as possible to get a chance and snagging a spot. But now we know that was a pipedream unless you are auto admit. So frustrating! Now we are just hoping that she can get into TAMU and transfer into Viz 2nd year. Maybe. She has been accepted to BGSU, SCAD, UC Denver, UCF and VCU. Many of those are offering good scholarships but with OOS tuition still expensive, plus we really want her closer. She applied to UT and in review, but not super interested. Wish there were more TX schools with these programs or Viz was a TEAM program. Her 2nd choice is environmental design in arch school also. Where has yours applied?

So I am also assuming that the idea of Full Admission to the College of Liberal Arts (Both my first and second choice majors are Liberal Arts.) is getting very and very much more slim if not at all at having a chance at full admission this point. Anyone have any opinions? Any Review Applicants who applied for Liberal Arts still waiting?

@ftx2125 my son applied ED for Liberal Arts as his 1st and 2nd choice also and has not heard anything back either.


There is no ED for aything other than Engineering if that makes you feel any better!!!

Also, to all… I went back to the 28th of January and from there into February, people were getting all sorts of decisions. I don’t say this to get your hopes up, just saying you really don’t know until you know.



@BoerneMom2021 since she’s looking at urban settings, here’s an option in your daughter’s second choice major

The 6 tabs are… Home, Applicant, My Record, My Finances, My Student Life, My Howdy
She only has a 3.5 unweighted but she has strong leadership resume with a lot of awards. Plays 2 sports & cheers. She applied to Sports Management so maybe has something to do with it?? She didn’t submit ACT/SAT. My son is Engineering Academy and his stats were 4.0 with 27 ACT two years ago.
Highly recommend your child take Blinn Team if offered. They are considered full time Aggie. Only take 2 classes at Blinn A&M Rellis campus which is super nice.


she only put environmental design bc the Arch school said it was the next best thing to be able to transfer into Viz 2nd year and have some 1st year classes count towards the major. She in actually ONLY interested in animation type majors with concept art/character design being her focus. Thanks tho!!

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UTD has a pretty strong animation major in ATEC (School of Arts, Technology and Emerging Communication). Did y’all look into that?

We did. We very closely looked at the actual classes since her focus is concept art within an animation/gaming studio. She needs those art classes combined with tech classes. Some programs were too far into tech with almost no art. I think UTD was one of those. We also focused alot on lists on Animation Review and don’t think UTD was on the list. Too late now anyway for applying…

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If I am an OOS Bio major I’m guessing that I wont be admitted now. Sigh, was a good run

As stated earlier in this thread, what we are seeing now is all about engineering. Don’t give up hope yet.


my daughter is still waiting and it’s getting so frustrating to be honest. we’re ready to throw in the towel now and just accept the other offers.


Thank god, I was worried.

So Idk if this goes along with what others have said, sorry if it’s been said already… but I just got off the phone with admissions and he stated that for non business and non engineering they are taking a similar path as previous years and we should see decisions February and into March. My D applied in October for FIVL and he said that list just updated ans doesn’t appear full yet. In response to a “wave” that might be coming he just said in the past February was a big month in previous years and it’s not uncommon to have not heard anything back yet. Hope this helps


Well that is a huge relief. Hopefully all goes well for all of us! :slight_smile: