TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Although TAMU accepted my son to Blinn Engineering academy, Admission officers didn’t look at his past College Credits and the College Credits that he will be taking in Spring/Summer 2021. My son finished HS in Dec 2020. He has already complete Advance Math and Physics courses in community college. Now he might have to petition to take advanced courses at TAMU or repeat the courses. He has already completed the Texas core-curriculum. We are still not sure what is the best route for him.

First… yay and congrats early graduation!!! Second, congrats on academy.

Now, third… there are probably a lot of classes still left to take at blinn… creative arts, pols, history, English, Econ, maths, speech, etc that are required to graduate from Tamu. Look at the degree plan and check off what he’s taken/taking. If you have any questions on that… pm me and we can chat.

Edited to say… I just reread your post. He’s taken all core classes? That’s like 45 hours. If he’s at a community college now… he would be considered as a transfer student.

Has anyone else had their financial aid portal down since late Thursday? My daughters has said it would be back up within 24 hours but it’s been over 2 days.

He completed all core classes as dual-credit when he was in HS. If TAMU core classes are slightly different, he might need to take Speech, etc. When he applied, he was still in HS. We didn’t know that he will complete HS requirements by Dec 2020. During HS, he completed Calculus I-III. Now he is taking Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, and University Physics I-II. Not sure what courses he will take in the summer.

Question regarding scholarships

OOS and just curious when scholarships are announced. My son did get one but appears to be an OOS auto.

Should we even expect anything.

Is it common to get out of state tuition waived


Depending on how many credits he has, he may need to take the summer off. Especially if he’s going blinn academy.

I just checked, it is still down. When it was up , my daughter had the “president’s endowed scholarship”, now it says you have no financial aid in offered status. I hope it is just because the site is “under maintenance”.

Has she been admitted to CS? Mine has been admitted to Galveston and is waiting to hear about CS.

Yes, she was admitted to CS (College Station?) in September as an AA.

Hey @nickfurr17. Average gpas tend to fluctuate. Admissions doesn’t make the decision for transfer students. The actual department does. The fact that you have a good Number of credits done and all required coursework completed at time of application along with a solid gpa gives you a solid chance of acceptance.

If your essay was authentic and persuasive as to why construction science and what you will do with this degree from Tamu, that’ll just be an added bonus.

What’s your second choice major?

If it’s required, then they could defer you for grades. And that’s weird you couldn’t chose 2nd choice major. Maybe look at ais and see if you can add one. Otherwise If consci says no, you’ll be automatically a no for Tamu. If you have 2nd choice, then it goes to them for review.

I am applying for Fall 2021 and my selected major is Construction Science. I have around 58 current hours and my GPA is around a 3.1. I have completed all required transfer coursework for this degree besides one course. I know it is still early, but you seem to be very knowledgable. Do you have an idea of what answer I should expect? Also, for future reference if they deny my application, will it be because of my GPA or the missing course?

Lol @nickfurr17 you may want to move this to a transfer thread. And why delete the responses to me? I look like I’m talking to myself. Lol


Can I transfer into mays with ±33 hours and a good resume? All req courses and recommended courses would be done. I am doing this in preparation for if I don’t get into Blinn TEAM, I want to transfer in as a sophomore if possible. Does anyone know if this is viable? I can take courses this coming summer. I know I would need to get a 4.0, I want finance.

Absolutely. Take summer and fall classes and apply in January for Fall admission. Need As on required courses to remain competitive.

Totally doable!

Thank you! I know I need at least 24 required hours, but how many do you think I should have? I have seen some in the past have upwards of 40-50. I don’t want to be at a disadvantage for having like 30 hours.

They do like students to be ready to move into upper level classes so that’s why you may see those higher credit hours. As long as you have the required and recommended done with A’s or mainly As then you have a really good chance.

It is highly competitive. All you can do is plan our your degree plan and do your best.

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Thank you so much, you’ve been a great help!

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Has anyone who apply to Mays of Business school heard anything back yet through holistic review? I’ve apply since early October and still anxiously waiting for an answer. Is it true that A&M is full now? And is also Mays is full?

Mays has been full since October/November. No hope left for that one. I do not know for sure if Tamu is full. We keep getting mixed signals. What’s your second choice major?