TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Same thing happened to my daughter. What major?

Isn’t “Blinn Engineering” the same as TEAB (Rellis) unless it refers to the Texas A&M Engineering Academy at Blinn-Brenham?

From the TEAB (Rellis) website:
“As members of Texas A&M Engineering at Blinn, students are co-enrolled in the Texas A&M University College of Engineering and Blinn College, taking their Texas A&M courses on the Texas A&M campus and their Blinn courses at the RELLIS Campus in Bryan.”

Just sounds like TAMU AO is working through the engineering applicants. My nephew is still waiting as well.

@tristatecoog i believe you are correct? TEAB is the local Engineering path, if not offered full Eng acceptance. But there is also something offered where students live in Blinn Housing, and take a couple classes at A&M, I think?? There’s also McAllen and Galveston Engineering pathways.
Way too many paths, so confusing.

Thank you for the clarification. I thought they were two different pathways.

I don’t know! Hope not!!

Well, my son did not get into Business Honors. I know that Business Honors is supposed to have amazing advising. Does Mays in general have great advising? I have read some horror stories about some of the advising and getting bad information. Not sure if advising is at the university or college level.

I know that he can take honors courses based on his GPA and class rank. And he will most likely have priority registration due to a disability. With the priority registration, will he be able to sign up for honors classes at the beginning, included business honors? He has applied for University Honors, but he is not sure he wants to do that. He was really hoping for Mays Honors.

@tmclanton Mays has great advising! It’s not one of the colleges you hear horror stories about.
Make sure you join the Aggie Mom’s/Dad’s of Mays Business School Students FB page-a wealth of knowledge, super nice Mays parents.

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This banner was on the main page before you login at all from what I recall. My daughter is Communications and she had it, mentioning Engineering deferment and now its gone, but pretty sure it was visible to anyone, so probably just removed from home login page. I think :slight_smile:

This is my opinion (so feel free to sling the hate), but if you go to this site and manipulate the data… it is basically looks like OOS has a similar acceptance rate across the board. If you are competitive student in your HS (regardless of state) and match up with scores that Texas students are getting then you probably will be accepted… They expect OOS will not attend based on cost. Again… just looking at TAMU’s data.


Looks like too many students got capped for UT Austin this year. We are not choosing this option.

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Full semester load is only 12 hours. Check woth your engineering advisor regarding taking any sciences at junior college. Just be sure that’s okay since full admit.

English would not be a problem.

For a Mays student, my son took 6 credits at Tamu last spring and 6 at blinn. He couldn’t get into acct 229 at Tamu so he took at blinn. But for instance, as mays student, he could not take acct 230. So every major May have their own restrictions on some classes but typically core university classes are okay.

Teab is at rellis. It’s the same thing as what we have been calling blinn engineering. All team and teab take classes at rellis.

Thank you 52AG82 for the precious information. I was not aware of the existence of such an important group. I have applied to join the group. Hope the admin can allow me to.

Thank you again for the info.

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The blinn housing is the academy at blinn Brenham. It’s the main campus for Blinn. I believe there are 100 engineering students. It’s an hour away from cstat roughly.

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How important to maintain a Full Student status, assuming there is no scholarship or loan liabilities? This could be a case when you take classes in summer, and/or register one or two classes at Blinn. Likely a student could only take, say 9 hours a semester at A&M. From A&M standpoint, would it cause issues in ETAM process, or Library/Dorm/whatever privileges?

Thanks AggieMomhelp, you are like Google to me.

@utoram2020 i don’t have an Engineering kid, but I understand that group is awesome, knowledgeable, a wealth of information. Glad you found the group-I think it’s hidden sometimes.

Hmm good question regarding dorm. You may have to start with 12 hours for dorm requirements. As far as those not living on campus, you can take what you want as long as you are enrolled at Tamu. But always check with advisors first and get it in writing.

You’ll fill out degree plan and you can put what classes you plan on taking elsewhere to transfer into degree plan.

With regards to ETaM, you just have to follow degree plan. If you take one or more during summer or even semester, just make sure it will transfer (ie you couldn’t take physics elsewhere a couple of years ago).

You, the student and parent, need to know the degree plan in and out. Then talk with advisors and submit for acceptance. We do it every semester in Mays.

@utoram2020 your son is full admit, right?
He’s my $.02…start at A&M with 12 hours. You pay a flat rate tuition, so one fee for 12-18 hours. Let your son soak in campus life, get familiar with all things A&M. Don’t throw in commuting to Blinn, at least not the 1st semester, if he doesn’t have to.
I would look up what being a part-time A&M student can & can’t do. Can they have a Sports Pass, live in the dorm, pledge a sorority/fraternity, join orgs, what about your insurance-do they cover part-time students?
Maybe they can, but I would double check.
He wouldn’t be eligible for any scholarships, if he’s a part-time student (and scholarships can come anytime during the year).
Save $ and take classes in the summer at your local community college (Blinn is pricey for out of district), and take a WinterMester at A&M (tuition is tacked on with spring tuition) or your local CC.
College is a huge transition. I would make his 1st semester as easy & seamless as possible.
Of course I don’t know your financial circumstances, and I don’t know your son. Just thinking out loud…


thank you so much. you don’t even know how much stress you just relieved me of

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Totally agree about first semester going all in. If and when they want blinn, it’s like a side bet.

My daughter, her spring semester junior year, took an online 8 week history class to fulfill that requirement (hated history) but still had 16 hours at Tamu.

My son as a sophomore spring semester had 6 and 6. In a fraternity. Lived off campus. Nothing changed for him. Fall could be different though.

And I know I replied to 52ag82 but it’s in response to the other question. Just tagging on lol.

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