TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I would assume phase 3 is all together. It’s not a rush or anything since it’s meet and match by mutual consent. But that’s my take on it. My son is a junior and didn’t have phases but I remember roommate matching opened up on a certain day and that’s when they could start linking to each other.

You’re the best! Thank you!

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For engineering, does anyone know what the split between full admission and all the other Blinn Team type engineering admission options is? e.g. 3500 full admission and 2000 Blinn Team

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@AggieMomhelp @sapphire33 @52AG82 I just want to take a moment and thank everyone on this thread! As I read posts from new people, I realize how much I have learned by being involved since July! EVERYTHING I have learned has been from this site and this thread in particular. Things that I have learned, that I never would have thought about:

  1. put deposit on housing as soon as it opens, but wherever they end up will be great for them.
  2. Don’t accept AP classes until advised to
  3. The huge difference between DC and AP (my son did not take DC, but I have informed parents of younger students)
  4. If you want Mays, and I am sure there are others, it is critical to apply early
  5. Countless other important facts!

Also, I want to thank you all for the support that I have received. This can be a difficult, confusing, and emotional process. From “banner gate” (It took over 6 weeks to get his banner after admitted), to the waiting for business honors, to not getting accepted to BH, you all have been there through it all!

I appreciate all of you who have given your knowledge, advice and support!!! This community is amazing!


It’s crazy how much there is to learn. Glad the thread helped you through it.

Now… when is your son going to decide on schools??? You will have to let us know!

Have a happy and blessed Sunday!!! Let the super bowl eating begin!!! Oh and commercials. :heart_eyes:


Unfortunately, it will probably be awhile before he officially decides. Although I tried to stay as neutral as possible, I think I failed miserably. He knows I want him to go to TAMU so he is dragging it out just to annoy me! (His girlfriend told me that he is pretty sure that he is going to TAMU, but wants to make me wait).
I did tell him that he really needs to decide my the beginning of March. We have to get paperwork filled out by his doctor for disability services and I want to get that done during Spring Break.
I am ready to start buying college shirts and stuff!


We’re in the anxious-cycle of checking AIS daily to see if our Waitlist/TEAM notification will change. She was given the option and selected both Waitlist & Team consideration about 2 weeks ago. I’m SO grateful for reading through all of your posts and check this almost as often as AIS :slight_smile:

Curiously, what is the thought about having already heard about waitlist vs. not having heard yet (my daugher has friends in both camps). I have a sophomore Aggie daughter who was full admitted with the same scores/grades/GPA as the daughter we’re waiting to hear about. She applied to Communications on the first day applications opened and is non-autoadmit. Praying! I’m worried all the kids who were CAP’ed at UT will take their A&M offers and the waitlist won’t move like in years past. Anyone know anything about Communications? Kids who are currently waitlisted vs. still in review/no news yet?


@tmclanton one thing to mention to your son is, the longer he waits, NSC fills up. Some ppl swear it’s imperative sign up for the 1st session…totally false. The year my student did NSC, in typical A&M fashion, the computers crashed during 1st NSC (this happens a LOT, so just get ready). New seats are opened during every NSC, but I wouldn’t sign up for the last/August session. We did the July session; registration took 2 minutes, getting every class wanted.
My student didn’t make their decision/formally announce going to A&M until February. There were still NSC sessions open, but at least one was full. You’ll need to make hotel reservations, etc. Just something to think about…

@tmclanton Amen, sister! This entire journey is such a weird mix of micromanaging the details for my son and also learning to let go and being okay with letting him make some big choices. We’re College Station locals, so if your son commits to A&M, we need to grab coffee! :joy:

First time college mom here. My son was accepted to Blinn team for Engineering. Can someone please explain the whole ‘don’t accept AP classes until you speak with an advisor’ thing? I imagine we are talking about high school AP classes right?

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I’m local too! I had no idea you were as well!!!

@TxMomof02 yes, AP classes taken in high school. Dual Credit automatically applies, AP have to be accepted by student. Wait until NSC to speak to advisor, before accepting any AP credits. It can be a big issue to have too many AP:DC hours, especially if trying to transfer into another major (ex-Mays won’t allow transfers with more than 60 hours).
No harm in waiting, there isn’t a time limit to accept.

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Yes. High school AP credit can be accepted all the way into senior year. No need to rush it unless need for prerequisite or getting those hours to get Aggie ring. Always nice to have some classes under your belt to pad a really thought semester. Especially if it’s a subject they love.


Any thoughts about the MPE as it relates to Blinn (Texas A&M Engineering at Blinn) especially)? In the information packet that came in the mail, it says the student will take the MPE on day 2 of the NSC. Yet, on the math website following the link in AIS (Department of Mathematics, Texas A&M University), it says to take the test virtually, at least 2 days before the NSC. I can try have my son e-mail admissions, but they still have not responded to his last email.

Luckily, in true OCD fashion, I had him accept and sign up for NSC as soon as it opened for a date in June. I was fortunate enough to get the A&M Conference Center Hotel REALLY cheap (for this hotel) during black Friday sale. He also did Phase I of housing on Sep. 22. It is a risk to sign up for everything before he actually commits, but it was a chance I was willing to take. I think thought that if I just act like it was going to happen, that it would!
Now, if he decides to go to tech, he is going to be behind on everything… maybe that is another reason to not go there!!!

I would love to grab some coffee when we are in town. I am sure there are parts of NSC that he will be doing things without me.

Right, as the others have said, don’t accept a credit until you need it. My older daughter’s advisor said to accept the credit in the semester which she would’ve taken it. That said, do go ahead and transfer their AP scores from College Board to Texas A&M. That action does not automatically put them on your A&M transcript, it only puts them on the student’s profile in the Howdy portal. Then, it is a very simple process for the students to go into Howdy and accept credits they want to apply to their transcript when they’re ready.


In the past, all non engineering students took mpe before going to conference. Engineering students took it on campus on day 2.

With Covid, there’s no telling what they’ll want them to do. Taking it virtually before nsc makes sense.

Hey y’all! I applied back in September as an econ student, I am in the 2 quartile and applied using test scores that are in the expected range. I still haven’t heard back and I’m confused as too why, does this mean that I didn’t get in, or do y’all know when I will hear back?

@texassstudentt rumor has it, 50,000-55,000 applied. So they’re probably busy going thru applicants that didn’t auto admit, seeing what majors still have room. Office of Admissions has told those that call, it could be March before some are notified.