TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

You may want to ask this on the Aggie Parents of Engineering Students | Facebook page. Some of them may have gone the straight Blinn route.

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There is a forum called “Academics” on the website called TexAgs. A TAMU admissions person posts on there and the latest response as of 2 days ago is that review admits will hear back by the end of March at the latest. I assume this is for every applicant whose status is currently “completed and in review”. It also sounds like they waited until the December 21 date to start reviewing the review applicants (but maybe I am misinterpreting their comment).


So, please clarify the huge difference between DC and AP. My dd has only DC , no AP.

DC/dual credit applies automatically, AP has to be accepted/applied by the student-can accept all 4 years of college.
Too many DC hours can hurt a student, especially if they want to transfer majors (1 example- Mays won’t allow transfers with more than 60 total hours).
DC can be good & bad, but it applies automatically. AP can be accepted one course at a time (or all at once-up to the student). Some DC may take the place of elective hours your student might want to take.

Thanks. I am wondering as my dd completed an AA at lone star before completing high school.

You may want to look at the requirements for the major choices your daughter chose, to make sure she won’t be over the hours limit allowed-it varies by college/major.

@Auveca97 i think your student wants Animal Science? This is a good link to read, if she is offered Blinn TEAM or PSA.

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So, have another son applying for class of 2026 and wanted to check in on how Admissions with optional scores has been going. Has it hurt or helped in anyway? Wondering what our goal should be as he takes his first SAT in a month. Curious how getting rid of the Auto 25% rule has changed things. My son is not top 10%.

My first son was admitted C/O 2024 via Gateway, which transitioned to be a full-blown admissions offer when they cancelled it due to Covid. He had a great first semester and is loving the Corps of Cadets.

Anyway, love any feedback because it is so different now, in so many ways!


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I got Blinn team for engineering. Does anyone know what gpa I’ll need to make the full transition to Tamu engineering?


When did you get Blinn TEAM? What you want to know is all online.

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For A&M specifically, it appears admissions is hit and miss for those in the holistic review category. There are some that are still feeling the delay in review while others seem to have had a very smooth experience. Test optional places a larger importance on the rest of a child’s resume.

As for a goal, I would assume the previous requirements for Top 25% admit, before they were done away with, should satisfy a smooth transition through the holistic review. A minimum SAT 1360 (620 math 660 read/write) and I would include a B+ GPA. Obviously application essays, extracurricular, service, leadership, and perhaps even letter of recommendations (which don’t seem to have much influence on the general population acceptance) are also of importance.

If these were the parameters to meet Top 25% admit in the past, then I don’t see any reason why a golden ticket wouldn’t be given to holistic reviews that meet the same criteria in 2026. And just like in the past, there were plenty of students admitted with lesser qualifications, I would just assume the review process might be longer moving forward for those students.

Potential transfer student here that would just like to say Mays has no maximum transfers hours as of right now.

Haha! I’m Class of '94 and I actually have my original application because my dad faxed it! Boy, glad I’m not trying to get in…anywhere!


Correct. It’s kind of unspoken though. All 300 and 400 level courses must be taken in residence at tamu. They prefer 60 or less credits for transfer and those being freshman and sophomore level.

Admissions did not wait to review and make offers until Dec. 21st. My daughter was a review app and applied in October and found out within a few weeks. I think there are a TON of factors that come into play and I believe from what I’ve seen on this forum, with strong SAT scores along w/other components of an application (strong essays, first quarter gpa, and ECs) sometimes it’s an easy decision for them to make while the test optional students are taking more time. Hang in there b/c as many folks have said on this forum, there are many routes to TAMU and as well, there are lots of great schools out there (TAMU is a great school but it’s not the only one :))!


Thank you. Where is this information? March end. OMG.

@jcmd02 current A&M student change of major to Mays doesn’t allow more than 60 hours.
Interesting that change of school transfer doesn’t have a cap on hours.


Does anyone know if selecting Corps of Cadets boosts an application?

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@cactusrose you should join the private FB page - Texas A&M Blinn TEAM Mom’s & Dad’s page. Only newly admitted and current parents can join, might be helpful to ask if there are any Construction Science kids.

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What’s the GPA requirement to get into general engineering at A&M does anyone know? Also my friend tried to switch her major from engineering to business but she couldn’t do it because they reached the limit for business school I’m not sure if that means that nobody is now getting accepted into business school can someone please let me know?