TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision


I’d chose Engineering at McAllen for the food alone. :slight_smile:


That is the same thing my son got a few weeks back. Engineering at Blinn is “TEAB” as it’s called out here: Blinn-Bryan | Texas A&M University Engineering. He picked that option, and within a week he had the 6 tabs in Howdy and a few days later the official acceptance in AIS. He was pretty happy to get in, but I can tell he’s a bit anxious about TEAB from some of the statements he’s made. It was a boost to his ego when the big banner came in the mail though.

Not sure how that works. My son was not offered wait list and was only given Blinn TEAM. Hope someone is able to get you an answer though.

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applied for Mays–got Blinn


Nope, no communication, not even the waitlist/Blinn question. My D just woke up to 6 tabs and got Blinn last week.


when/what time do you usually see 6 tabs?

Around 7:30 am is when changes occur/show up in Howdy.

Once you have the 6 tabs in Howdy, AIS can update anytime during the day…usually after a couple of days of the tabs showing up, could take up to a week.


Se va soplar if he goes. Lol.

:joy: But you got good news! So happy for you guys!


Yes!! OMG so excited for him, Yes it’s Academy at Rellis and YES to the Corps and living on campus. So exciting. And the Rellis buildings are beautiful FYI. I wouldn’t really call it a “campus”. Great parking though and food trucks at lunch!

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Sure. Here you go:

Highly Competitive Boarding School for all four years of High School
GPA 3.3
2nd Quartile by SRAR- School doesn’t rank
No test scores
Honors classes but not AP
Strong essay and recommendations
Leadership/Extracurriculars are where my strengths are…Senior RA in the dorm, three full summers in Africa assistant teaching and working at an HIV/AIDS orphanage as well as time working on animal conservation, School Vestry leader x 2 years, Varsity Coxswain, Climbing team captain x 3 seasons, weekly before school volunteer at the community homeless shelter, incoming freshman mentorship program, admissions tour guide, faculty recognition list, high honors x 2 intern week terms, full time job over Covid summer.

Here’s to offering hope to those still waiting that feel they may have a weakness. Obviously, my GPA is significantly lower than everyone else, but I tried to highlight fact that it improved every single semester through high school all while maintaining a rather demanding schedule. I believe there must be some real truth to the term “holistic review”.

Good luck to everyone still waiting. It’s agonizing for sure, but don’t give up!


That’s good to hear! I was worried no more gateway decisions were going out. I haven’t heard anything, but when did you apply?

Thanksgiving. I waited until quite late because I really wanted to see it with my own eyes. Once I toured the school and the Corps, I realized no other school had ever felt like such a perfect fit. :slightly_smiling_face:


Talk about bringing something different to TAMU. Wow, your experience is very cool and I love they put you in Gateway. You can obviously handle being away from home and being independent and time management, but yes, your GPA not as great as the rest of your application. I know you will do great things at TAMU. The Gateway program will insure you are solid before the Fall semester begins.

As for your question with the major… you go in as general studies for the summer and then you can change your major to any major that you meet the requirements. It may not be in the first semester because there are usually some credit and course requirements, but you’ll work with an advisor to get you ready to transition into your desired major and there will be no issue graduating on time. And you’re already 6 credits ahead from gateway!

Congrats again. You sound like a really cool individual. Keep up that mentality and do big things at TAMU!


Thanks so much for the info on the transition to majors! Gateway is going to be an amazing step in the journey, and it’s reassuring to know I’ll still be able to make my way into communications when the time is right. Plus, what could be better than getting to check out Aggieland a month early?!?


Thank you so much. He is cautiously optimistic and nervous his chances of actual acceptance. I appreciate all you help through this process…helping keeping ourselves sane. Im sure many on here can relate.


Your GPA is okay not great, but your activities were awesome which is I’m sure the reason you got in. Really great job, you showed that you actually cared and they liked that. I have a 3.5 and am still waiting lol, don’t have the resume you do.


For any parents of accepted Blinn TEAM students, there’s a Facebook page you can join. Great place to ask questions, learn more about the program.

Blinn TEAM Parent Page

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For those that have gotten the option screen…does it show up in AIS or on Howdy?

So how long do you wait to see if you got Blinn Team or admitted? It says PSA will be offered if the first two don’t happen.