TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Not following you on the class of 24 b/c they would have had to apply way b/f COVID hit.

I agree that applying early helps. When there are so many qualified candidates, what can set applicants apart? Showing eagerness to apply, being organized and getting it completed on time. I believe that is also why they ask in the app if you attended Aggieland Saturday, took tours, etc. They want to extend offers to prospects that have made the effort to research the university. Maybe statistically they have found late applicants are less apt to end up enrolling.


I think there is a block of students who chose to stay and do CC college last fall due to COVID. Not sure how that works or if colleges hold their spot or if some went back in January? I guess that would put some class of 24 kids back in the application pool for spring / fall admission. Look forward to the “final” numbers on applicants vs offered vs admitted. With Review options changing it isn’t surprising that it is more time consuming.

I believe what you are considering important for a student to show eagerness or interest in A&M is simply data points gathered by the university and nothing more. No different from any other commercial entity gathering your information to help them better understand their customer base.

If a school such as A&M gave “points” to students attending Aggieland Saturday, tours, etc., then the opposite would be true in that an inner city kid from Detroit who could not afford to attend or visit is penalized. I’m not buying it from a University that is reviewing 55,000 applications.

More so, I do not believe A&M considers legacy for admissions, unlike when I applied decades ago. In fact, I believe using legacy in a student’s essays might be harmful as you are telling the reviewer my Aggie legacy is so important that I am NOT telling you other important information with the limited words available in this essay.

With that said, I find your last sentence intriguing as this is a data point which might influence decisions. I wish this information were available.


My son attended Aggieland Saturday two years in a row (2018 & 2019) and also connected with our regional admissions office at his high school college fairs. The demonstrated interest didn’t do anything to help him lol. I don’t think TAMU puts any weight on that.

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I can confirm that having a legacy or other contacts at A&M do not give you an advantage to admission. We have a relative who is currently a “University Distinguished Professor” there and my son is still in review :relaxed: His essay had nothing to do with this, but it was mentioned in one of the separate questions.

With academic admits gone, it seems like A&M didn’t efficiently deal with the slew of engineering, business, VIZ and many other majors for kids who were not auto-admits.

My S22 will apply for engineering in August. He’s not in the top 10% and I hope he doesn’t have to wait until March. He’ll apply EA to a couple privates and Purdue which gives its decisions out on Jan 15.

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Both my My S23 twins are in the top 10% and one will most likely be a CompSci or Engineering major, but with our family having 3 in college at the same time and needing merit aid, I don’t know that TAMU will make the application list for either :pensive:

@Momof3B you’ve got some smart kids! But you are correct, if you’re needing/counting on merit scholarship money…A&M isn’t the school for that. Unless they will be NM Commended/Semi/Finalist, go where the money is offered!

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That’s what we’re waiting to see…I think both have the potential of at least making Commended…I just need a 6 month break to recoup my sanity before we delve back into the college app process with these two!! :crazy_face:

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Good luck!

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@Momof3B i don’t blame you!
Problem with NM-I think-they don’t start notifying until mid September, a month+ after many college application openings. That’s a bummer that students can’t list it on their apps.
There must be a way to let the universities know, however? My student is Commended and was awarded Presidents Endowed Scholarship at A&M, and I do think it was the Commended title that sealed it-most recipients are NMSemi & Finalists (along with high rank, leadership, many community service hours, etc). It is a true merit based scholarship.
If your twins can at least get Commended, that opens doors!

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@tristatecoog have him take as many ACT/SAT tests possible, between now & July! I think a strong score could certainly help, set him apart. We know several people who had AMAZING results, just by doing Khan Academy SAT prep.

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This is directly from Tamu and gives insight on how apps are “graded or scored” According to earlier discussions, apps were “scored” two ways this year, both with sat/act scores and w/o, and the best score was used. The big question is…what sat/act score helped an app?

IMO, With 30,000 to 40,000 review apps and knowing how many spots are available for review apps, all review apps are graded or scored, and the grade above which corresponds to the number of spots available are offered admission, With so many review apps, the process has to be methodical, ie every app is turned into a number, IMO

The “talant/ability” under “very important” is intriguing. Passion for major, for Tamu, for learning, all?? Hmmm

"(2019-2020) Relative importance of each of the following academic and nonacademic factors in first-time, firstyear, degree-seeking (freshman) admission decisions.

Very Important
Rigor of secondary school record
Class Rank
Academic GPA
Standardized Test Scores
Extracurricular Activities

Application Essay
First Generation
Geographical Residence
State Residency
Volunteer work
Work Experience

Character/personal qualities
Level of applicant’s interest

Not Considered
Religious affiliation
Racial/ethnic status"

There are lots of opinions regarding whether turning an app in early corresponds with better chances of getting in. Here is text from TxAgs from TAMUAdmissions.

"People use the term rolling admissions in different ways. Since applicants have until December 1 to apply and December 15 to have all their supporting documents in the office, it is only then we have a complete picture of the qualifications of all the applicants in review.

We evaluate class rank (not specifically GPA), test scores (if sent) and everything else submitted with the application - outside activities, leadership, employment, the essays, etc."

“For domestic freshmen applicants, Top 10 applicants in Texas with a complete file in our office often hear a decision within a few weeks with first letters going out around late September. Since applicants have until December 1 to apply and December 15 to be sure the supporting documents are in our office, it is not until after that do we know how competitive the pool is for Review Admits. As a result, Review Admits MAY hear a decision anytime although after January 1 is more likely. Hopefully Review Admit decisions will be completed by late March.”

It would be a shame for someone to think it is good to turn in their “good enough” app aug 1, instead of turning in a complete app a few weeks later. For example, some might not want to take the time to turn in a resume cause it is time consuming…but if it helps, please take the time to complete it and mark the app as such. Every little bit helps! Even items under “considered”

I believe Tamu doesn’t give any set dates on when the review process is complete, because for them, the process is done when its done. They probably had a super hard time this year comparing apps w/o test scores.


@Eggscapgoats super interesting! I’m all about stats & facts.
I’m with you-turning in early wouldn’t be wise, if the app isn’t fully complete, the best it can be.
As far as what test scores to submit, I’m sure there are many opinions. Personally, I wouldn’t submit anything less than 30/1300 (especially if applying for Engineering, Mays, anything Health related), but that’s just me. A&M is super competitive! Clearly not submitting test scores-even tho ‘test optional’ was said-puts applicants in a huge waiting pile. But I think sending in low test scores could hurt, too, maybe even more.
Is this info posted on TAMU website?
You are right…every little bit does help!


OMG, best post I’ve ever read. Thank you for sharing that intel. Love love love it. I tried typing something up last night or night before, but I was coming across frustrated at the posters, lol. These facts are exactly what people need to hear.


Level of Applicants Interest is what I was referring to when I stated that they consider when you apply, did you tour, etc. When there were so many uncontrollable factors this year, I would think that could advance some over others.

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Just curious - What is LORs?
I guess we didn’t have it because I don’t know what it is… :smile:

letter of recommendation

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This is for the applications, starting at line c7


if you really like stats, this spreadsheet gives info of application/admitted/enrolled. So rough for the review apps since there’s just not many spaces available.
