TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

My daughter is going to TAMUG as well, there is an Instagram group TAMUG2025.

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My daughter also applied as a nutrition major and has not heard anything.

Hopefully this posts correctly.

Just wanted to show you some different systems used to determine GPA… all are weighted.

My Opinion:
As you can see they are no way considered equal… you cannot compare GPAs outside of your own school as it is only important to your school and your class. The college will calculate a GPA for you, by looking at the actual grades you have submitted (so the GPA system is constant amongst applications).

Your school GPA determines your class ranking and that is what matters.

Ideally your ACT/SAT is in line with your ranking and/or your unweighted GPA. The score is used more as a confirmation of other stats. With test optional they go from 3 legs (rank, GPA, score) to 2 legs. If you can give them a another leg, that isn’t broken, then it can help.

“Test optional” is similar to “shirt optional.”


I don’t think I’ve ever seen you post, but after reading this I’m feeling like I’ve missed out. Great point and visual lol. Thank you and couldn’t agree more!!!


We decided to apply to so many schools since we were not able to tour any in person.

Hi. I was wondering when Phase 4 would open up for on-campus housing (when actual room selection happens). We paid deposit for our daughter on 11/12/2020, and Phase 3 (roommate selection) opened up on 3/8/2021.

And does Phase 4 open up in waves / different times depending on student’s priority (i.e. when they paid their deposit)? Any help on understanding the remaining housing process through room confirmation is greatly appreciated! (I just haven’t been able to find much info on Phase 4). Thank you!

Housing How-To

Phase 4: Select Your Room
In April you will receive a timeslot, assigned date and time, to select your room. This will be sent to you in your myHousing Portal and email. Please watch all of the Phase IV videos to see how room selection works.

Also after you select your room you will be able to move yourself around all summer. Please watch Phase IV Room Change video to understand how room change works.

Phase IV video


Will the dorm be assigned in phase IV when you are given the chance to select your room?

In Phase IV, the student is actually hand-picking their dorm, room, and roommate (obviously based on their timeslot and availability). In the video for instance, they pick Dunn Hall, 134-A (which would be connected to room 136-A as a suite), and assigning themselves bed 134-A1. Since this video demonstrates having already selected a roommate, student 134-A1 has the earlier time slot, so student 134-A1 is also responsible for adding the roommate 134-A2 in order to complete the room selection. If you go Pot Luck, you will not be selecting your roommate.


Finally got an answer…PSA. Not sure what to do with that info yet. It took me a minute to register that it didn’t say “Complete and In Review”.

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What did your status say before PSA? Ours still says on waitlist and consideration for Team Blinn. Sorry you didn’t get in, but PSA is a good opportunity.

Just “Complete and In Review”. We never got any other options. :frowning: Now it’s just his decision whether he goes full Texas State or take this. Not quite sure which he’ll choose at this point.

If I remember correctly, your son was set on being in the corps of cadets, right?

Yep. He was pretty set on staying in College Station too (we live here). I guess now it’s just a decision of being in the Corps or not moving after a year. Ugh!! Too many decisions.

I’m sorry he didn’t get the decision he wants right now. Texas State has really become a great school (and ya can’t beat the beautiful campus here in Texas). If he’s like my daughter, she really took this chance to get out of cstat after living here 18 years. It was great for her to be a tad uncomfortable. Then she transferred her sophomore year. She learned a lot and it made appreciate TAMU even more. Of course going into the Coprs as a sophomore is harder, but doable if he decides to transfer back here.

Lots of school pride wherever he decides to start and end.

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I’m a little OCD and have gone down the rabbit hole on college admissions and now believe I have properly managed my expectations as my son (#2) goes through the next cycle.

I’ve lurked the past two years on these threads so I have basically gone through everyone’s pain/joy/experience and learned from it. It was basically training for the game/system. I think many who come to the forum/thread are late to the game and wished they knew then what they know now… or they have already done this with another child and already know.

Basically my experience is with son (#1) (Senior at Missouri S&T), these threads, the GI Bill experience with #1, and internet research. My goal is to help my child have options when he realizes there is no time left to make a decision. Wife and I both graduated from A&M. We are out-of-state because that is where the military took and left us. Wife and I have stayed in Illinois for his high school, but are moving back to Texas once he graduates. He can go to college in Texas or he can stay here, but either way… we are GONE.

His stats will be 6-7% rank, 29 (ACT… still has time to improve), 3.9 unweighted (lol), minimal EC (math team and NHS), no volunteer hours, no job [edit AP/Honors Science and Math, AP Psych, Honors Spanish]. His passion is music (piano/composing), but he wasn’t in the HS band. He is not interested in thinking about/picking a major, nor really hearing what I or colleges have to say. His essay will be completed by last week in July. We will try to pick up some volunteer hours this summer. I’m starting to ramp up my intensity about college so I’m prepared for the struggle.

Links I use a lot:

https://accountability.tamu.edu/All-Metrics/Mixed-Metrics/ (Geographical is a great source for OOS)(This also will basically show you every engineering applicant was admitted in some form or fashion (98%)




For other colleges I try and find their recruitment/admissions plans as well as marketing plans (UIUC examples):


If I was 18, me and your kid would be best buds !!!

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When he’s ready, he will have lots of options it sounds like. Aren’t stubborn kids the absolute cutest (said no parent ever).

Best of luck. Thank you for your service. And get back to Texas!!!

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@AggieDad2025 you have been given great info about phase 4. I will add, paying deposit on 11/12 means your student will need many dorm options. Those that paid Housing deposit the 1st 2 days of Acceptance in mid September will get their top pic…everyone else will need many options.
I suggest going thru the ResLife link, looking at EVERY dorm. Decide on Northside or Southside, then literally rank every dorm. The beds will honestly disappear before your eyes and you have to move FAST! Being prepared, knowing about every dorm is key.
If your student is going in with a roommate, the roommate with the higher selection time ‘pulls’ up the other roomie. It can be tough to find rooms with 2 empty beds, if they don’t have a high selection time.
Be open to White Creek, if they have a roommate-there will be open rooms there.
If going in as a single-not having a roomie-they can always just grab a bed, and try to get a better bed/dorm when more open up (that definitely happens).
True single rooms-1 bed only-can be difficult to snag. Hullabaloo will be full by start of day 3, Northside Modulars fill up next. Unless your student paid Housing deposit the 1st 1-2 days of earliest acceptance, Hullabaloo won’t be an option.
A&M doesn’t assign dorms or roommates, every student is responsible for picking their own bed (except overflow…you just take what is offered).
It is a crazy, hectic process…being prepared is crucial!
If you haven’t joined Aggie Parents FB page, you need to. There will be all sorts of info re:dorm selection.


I feel bad for any kid who opts to room with mine. Sheesh…