TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

@tmclanton older parent here…definitely don’t be ‘that parent’. Like @MackAg said, there’s a fine line. Staying on top of things-especially like dorm selection, making sure Sports Pass is added to cart, knowing registration dates for Fish Camp & Impact-those kinds of things you won’t find anywhere, until it is too late, if you aren’t on pages like Aggie Parents.
Finding out helpful tidbits, being ahead of things is great! But…once your kid is at school, they need to be in the drivers seat. They need to figure out their schedule, contact their advisor, figure out what orgs to apply for (which includes having the proper interview attire-send your kid with a suit!), figure out how to use the bus, and let them call or text you. I promise your son can do it, and he’ll be way more successful if he does things on his own. Maturity is a great thing!

I would say asking questions about certain things make sense because you don’t have all of the information you need right there in front of you. However, the parents who were complaining that they didn’t have access to their kids schedule so, “that they don’t bother their kid when they are in class,” or “how dare profs give them term papers to write when they know it’s parents weekend,” are simply mind blowing.

Anyhoo, off of that soapbox.


@AtxAg95 saw those, and the parents pretty much got crucified…rightly so. Poster child for how NOT to act! I truly shake my head many times…
Those parents weren’t even being :helicopter: , they were just showing stupidity, laziness and entitlement.

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I’m very much a fan of letting our brand new adults get their feet wet by themselves; however, I also tend to help with suggestions, research ideas, etc. I think they need to learn how to fail and get back up on their own. They need to make their own decisions too - but if they ask for advice, be there for them. It’s hard seeing them fall but it’s a proud moment seeing them get back up (however many times) and succeeding! :slight_smile:


@JaceyK nailed it! And your student will be successful‼️

So far, so good (with exception of middle child struggling coming to terms with controversies of the world lol). My oldest will be graduating from TAMU next month with honors with a double major in biochemistry/genetics - she’s done very well for herself. The youngest is still in HS - I’m holding my breath. :joy:


Haven’t seen you on here in a while!!! Congrats to your daughter!

Oh I’ve been lurking - usually don’t have anything to add because most people step in with answers. :slight_smile: Youngest will be applying summer of '23. :slight_smile:

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hey did you end up seeing any changes to ur howdy or AIS? none yet for me

Yeah, I got 6 tabs on howdy and it says my app is complete and in review on the AIS. :+1::+1:


Omg that’s wonderful! I knew you’d get it:) congrats

Wondering if I should call admissions or just wait and see till this week?

Congrats!!! So excited for you!!!

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Thanks, hope you get in as well :+1::+1::+1:

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My only comment about schedules… if you are funding the education, as a parent, make sure you track the classes your child takes, know the degree plan and question your child if they deviate… unless you don’t mind paying for extra semesters of school. My experience is nobody else has a vested interest in how long it takes to graduate. Says the person who took 5 years and a summer to graduate.

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Hi all, thanks for your help through the process. Life has decided that it’s not TAMU for my DD this fall. I have a bunch of swag that I was going to surprise her with (Aggie mom/dad shirts and coffee mug, class of 25 bumper sticker) when we got the good news, but it was not meant to be. It’s too late to return it (has been sitting around since before waitlisted in January). If anyone wants it, send me a private message with your mailing address :two_hearts:


@Howdy_Hopeful oh man, I am so sorry…

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So sorry to hear this about your daughter. She has good stats…did you ever have a chance to talk with an admissions counselor? Wishing the best for her and know she will be an asset wherever she ends up!

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Just woke up to 6 tabs! Hopefully it’s not one of those technical errors:)


Yay!!! So happy for you!!

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