TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

How difficult is it to get your first choice major in engineering at the end of the first year?

We were wondering the same thing because so far my son has also been accepted to Colorado School of Mines and Missouri S&T, both of which will start him off in Mechanical Engineering.

@AggieMomhelp and @sapphire33 - thank you both for your insights. From a proximity perspective she will be somewhat of a split because she is a BIMs major @ the College of Vet Med. Although she will have plenty of freshman classes on the other side of campus. She is really leaning hard towards White Creek. She likes her space, likes the idea of her own bathroom (who doesn’t :)) and the thought of a semi private hang space like a living room that the apartment provides. She does want roomies so we are looking at 4B/4B but if that doesn’t work 4B/2B is good too. We toured Hullaballoo and she liked the Starbucks of course - LOL and the room. I think we will preference White Creek.

@AggieMomhelp - it helps to know your son had a great time and loved it. I think its a great way to have privacy and yet still have the interaction with others living in the space with you.

Thanks again!

@starguitar @kscm91 My son and I were wondering the same thing two years ago. Our HS is not super competitive, yet DS seems to have a really good understanding of physics/math/programming so how does he compare to others in the engineering program that he will be competing with?

Heard about students not getting the grades and therefore not their desired major (yikes!), and then also about students who had a successful ETAM.

My son decided to play it safe - only took 12-13 credits freshman year and took physics (though he had AP credit) to get an “easy?” A. He did get his first choice major, but the thought of NOT getting his first choice really drove him.

ETAM is based mainly on gpa of classes taken AT tamu, including 2 math, 2 engineering (programming), and 2 physics. There are exceptions for students having lots of excepted AP/dual credits.

If a student has a 3.75 or higher, they are automatically given their first choice major. The below link may help, but keep in mind that the auto gpa has changed from 3.5 to 3.75.


I think if you are driven to do your best and know what is at stake, you will do fine! Students that dont do well first semester and then try to catch up…Ugh. Looking back, DS said the year was mostly review, but still challenging at times. He did the homework, no tutoring, and easily made the grades. Hope this helps!

@Eggscapgoats Thank you for the link and info. Have to see what my son decides.

Wondering if someone could explain what it looks like if a student is not accepted directly to CS but to another campus or is not accepted at all? Do they send an email, snail mail? I assume the 3 tabs remain 3? Thanks for helping a newbie out!

@TX5Ranch Congratulations to your son!! I am wondering, did you all submit an SAT or ACT score?

@Momof0ne. Yes, you can be in both UH and EH. Since EH has no requirements on where to live, but UH has, the student’s dorm choice will be dictated by UH program for the first year.

There 2 reasons why my sons declined UH. Since most of the Mosher residents are engineering major and for ECOS – they prefer Mosher than all other dorms, just so it’ll be easier to make friends with engineering students and to form study groups. Another reason is UH “seems” (at least to us) to have more social event requirements which my kids are not interested to spend their time on.

I think UH housing may be better – I have not seen the rooms but only viewed the floor plans, but I really like the aspect of the bathroom is shared by only 2 (vs. 4 in Mosher).

I think whether to do both UH and EH really depends on whether your daughter likes to attend obligated social events and if she likes to social with more than mostly engineering students.

Sorry for the late reply. I hope my reply helps answering some of your questions!

Did anyone else get a “Engineering Village at the Commons Living Learning Community” confirmation email that they got “in” and have a room reserved in Mosher or Aston? My son got his last night (I don’t remember my sophomore daughter getting this but they didn’t have Phase 2 then). Anyway, I loved it! It sounded so premiere like he has already been accepted to something special. I know it is just a dorm assignment but kudos to ResLife for stoking a little excitement about “getting a spot” in your preferred dorm so early in the process.

@ChillyCow We got one too last night! I was so surprised. It’s great news though because my son for sure wants to live in the Engineering LLC.

@ATTX , Thank you very much! My daughter applied for the UH and checked the box in ApplyTexas that she is interested in the EH. Per the EH website, under the deadlines they still say “Application Coming Soon”. So, she put EV@C as her first choice and the UH as her second choice, knowing fully that she will have to choose MacFadden or Lechner if she gets into UH.

Someone told her that Mosher and Ashton get filled quickly and she may not be able to get in if she decides later not to go for UH and in the off chance they decide not to open the EH application this year. Both she and I got an email yesterday around noon that her spot in the EV is confirmed. So she is happy :smiley:

My son received his admission last week (whoop!). He is signed up for an SAT on Nov. 7 and he is wondering if he should still take it…perhaps for scholarship purposes?
Anybody have any insights?

@Physixmom Yes, he submitted test scores. He was going to retake it but it was cancelled this summer for obvious reasons. He scored a 24 on his ACT (his reading, math and science results were high but his English tanked his score). He planned on retaking but decided to submit what he had with the hopes that his class rank, GPA, EC, Community Service, AP courses would give him a boost. He’s always been very strong in math/science courses so his transcript/course load must have helped.

@psalms7510 Do you mind sharing your stats? also what was your major and were you review or auto?

@psalms7510 I emailed admissions because my son plans to take the Nov 7 SAT in hopes of a better score. Here is A&M’s response:

"If you are using Apply Texas the scholarships application has already been submitted and we don’t reevaluate new information, including new test scores. If you used the Coalition application for admissions there is a separate module that lets you submit your scholarships application separately. Bear in mind, that the Scholarships application through the Coalition application closes December 1st, so if the test scores are not received in time and you don’t submit the application your son wouldn’t be reviewed for scholarship awards.

At this time, our scholarships are making submitting test scores optional due the current pandemic. Submitting them or not will not create a disadvantage for you student for review of scholarships."

He used Apply Texas. Very discouraging since other universities he applied to are letting him submit updated scores. I don’t think I completely believe that test scores aren’t still a big factor in decisions, especially scholarships. He submitted his SAT from 2019 which was 1370 but still hasn’t heard anything from A&M. He has been in review for almost 2 months now. He has received acceptance to 3 other schools and is not looking on A&M as favorably anymore.

@Mommmm430 Can you share a bit of your PSA experience. How did your student get notified? Has it been a good fit and are they moving on to College Station? Any useful info. you think, please share :slight_smile:

FYI @Physixmom PSA notifications come towards the end, February and March. It will which schools are participating with his/her major so they can then select from those system schools.

All students will be notified with a decision. Most PSA are soft denials but with a guaranteed admission if they hit the requirements freshman year. Very few students (percentage) get a flat out denial.

@Physixmom I have a Sophomore Engineering Aggie who did PSA at Tarleton his freshman year. He originally applied to TAMU as a BIMS major, so may have gotten a different offer if he had applied as Engineering. Wonderful experience except for Covid hitting at spring break. He loved his time at Tarleton and made Dean’s list then the President’s list freshman year with some pretty tough classes. He’s in CS now making the best of it. Senior HS son is top 12% awaiting his reply to Engineering. Definitely a positive PSA experience for my guy!

@P2KMama my D is a junior now but spent her freshman year in White Creek (4B/2B) and loved it. The White Creek Community Center is right across the street and has food and study space. The apartment style was ideal as when she wanted to move into an apartment off campus her sophomore year, she was very prepared for cooking, sharing common space, etc. I highly recommend White Creek.

@wewait and @AggieMomhelp Thank you both for your helpful replies!! Very helpful!