TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Are you talking freshman applicants or all mays applicants (all years)? I only ask so that it’s clear that mays only accepts right at 1000 freshmen. Then after that only 200 per year to include change of majors and external transfers. So i just didn’t know where that 1400 applicants to honors came from.

It is extremely competitive to get honors. My so never applied to honors when he transferred in. He just takes honors classes when he can (available if gpa is over 3.5).

@AggieMomhelp On the video conference we went to a couple weeks ago, they stated that Mays has over 1400 applicants so far this year for the honors program. I assume this means that they have over 1400 people apply to A&M, check Business as their first choice major, and check the box for honors. Now, we know that only 1000 people get in, and a lot of people that checked the box for honors may not even have qualifying statistics, so this number is probably very inflated.

Hello everyone. This is my first post and probably my last since I’m more of an online stalker as opposed to a poster. However, I wanted to thank everyone on the forum for keeping me sane over the last few months. Before I continue, here are stats:

When did you apply: August 14
Class Rank: Top 15% in a very competitive in-state large high school
GPA: 3.88 UW 4.99 W
SAT (with Sub Scores) 670M 650V 1320 total
ACT (with Sub Scores) NA
When did you receive your admission decision: 6 tabs this morning (woohoo!)
Are you an Auto-admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Engineering
Extra: 4 year athlete, NHS, multiple AP courses, intern at engineering firm

My daughter received her 6 tabs this morning and couldn’t be more excited. Mom and dad both graduated from A&M and this was her dream school. She only applied to OU and A&M. OU accepted months ago so the wait has been exhausting to say the least. We weren’t really sure of the process or the wait time, but daily visits to this forum have helped tremendously. Knowing what to look for (the 6 tabs) and seeing that others with similar stats were still waiting made it much better. Engineering is her passion and she currently works for an engineering firm as a paid intern. If A&M had said yes, but not for engineering or outside of main campus, she would have attended OU instead. We are beyond excited and wish the best for all of you. Good luck and don’t give up hope!

@Aggies96n97 Congratulations!

Thanks for the encouragement! The waiting is just terrible on the heart…lol. We felt pretty good about his chances initially, but the more time that passes, we lose a little more confidence. It shows all of his documents are checked off as received, so I just need patience! I’m pretty sure I’m more nervous than he is. And actually, when my oldest started, I wasn’t sure about the Blinn route, but I would absolutely jump at the option for my current applicant. It would be great to have the benefits of being an Aggie but save on the cost.

And I’m glad you posted because it gives me hope!

My son was accepted into TAMU engineering today ?. Been waiting about 4 weeks in review. Applied test optional. He was an auto-admit (8th percentile).

DD was accepted for Engineering, she’s thrilled! Now I have to go back and re-read all of the threads about housing and deposits, ha ha!

@AggieMomhelp could you take a look at my reply on #896 please? Thank you!!

Hey I sent you a private message that day with my reply. I didn’t want to bore the masses. Go look in your inbox on here. If you can’t find it, let me know and I’ll resend.

@AggieMomhelp Please share your opinion on my post # 914 as well.

Hey there. You said she ranks low, but what is it? 2nd quarter? Her ACT is great. Her band shows commitment and leadership. Her 5 AP classes… are they science math focused? Engineering wants to see they are ready to jump in. Very competitive and now need a 3.75 to guarantee your top engineering choice starting sophomore year.

So my point to all that (long winded I know) is if her AP courses are math and science focused and she’s ranked decently by Tamu then she has a great shot at full admit or Galveston. If she’s 3rd quarter then I would suspect she’d get academy at best. But I’ll be honest that this year is kind of a crap shoot.

Keep an eye on the howdy portal for 6 tabs or the AIS site to see when her major changes to general engineering. That will happen right before official admission decision comes out. Please keep us posted. She sounds like a great student.

Hi. My daughter got the six tabs this morning and is super excited. I saw in some posts you were able to sign up for housing even though AIS still shows in review. When we go to login to the housing portal it just says Login error. When does the housing application become available? I am not sure if we are just doing something wrong.

Applied 9/13
GPA 3.88
ACT 30

@AggieMomhelp thank you.
I don’t see her A&M rank on AIS but yes she has Physics and Maths AP classes among several others.
Still at 3 tabs . Hope she gets a response soon.
She has already been accepted into UTD for Computer Engineering and at UH for Chemical engineering we applied to all 3 colleges at the same time and that is probably why the wait so difficult.
We are very proud of her.

My son was admitted to Engineering at College Station today too. He applied about 5 weeks ago.

@LULU1762 try again this morning, my DD received the 6 tabs yesterday as well and we were able to get into housing today.

My son was so excited to receive his “6 tabs” yesterday!

I wanted to post to pass along our experience. My son took the SAT at school (it was given to all Juniors at his school last year) with no preparation and scored well under his potential (not a good idea, I know). He was signed up to take it again, but Covid. He works full time in addition to school, so when TAMU announced the “test optional” route, he decided not to retake the SAT and just apply test optional. Two weeks ago, I spoke with one of our regional recruiters and she advised me to (1) submit his old score, and (2) retake the SAT in December and have the scores automatically sent to TAMU because they have extended the deadline to receive scores based on the December SAT date. I asked if his low score would hurt him in the process and she said, no, it can only help him. She said that applicants with scores get “an extra look” during the process. So going test optional won’t hurt you, but having a score, even one you aren’t happy with, can help you. We submitted his score (rush) and within a week of them receiving his score his Howdy changed to 6 tabs!

When did you apply: September 26
Class Rank: 43/409 (highly competitive large HS)
GPA: 3.84 UW 4.98 W
SAT (with Sub Scores): Originally Test Optional, but submitted beginning of November 610M 600V 1210 total
ACT (with Sub Scores): NA
When did you receive your admission decision: 6 tabs 11/11 (no official admission yet)
Are you an Auto-admit or Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: BIMS
Extras: 5A State Champion Athlete, NHS, 3 AP courses; 21 Dual Credit Hours, Academic All-State, HOSA, 100+ volunteer hours, works as a pharmacy technician

We got the 6 tabs yesterday!So excited!!!
How long does AIS take to update.
My daughters stats:
Applied Oct 15th
GPA - 4.38
SAT 1410
Rank 18% - super competitive public high school
Major : Sports Management
9AP classes, NHS, Spanish honor society, best buddies, PALS and ton of volunteer hours.

Thanks @Maricier, you were right, we can get into the housing app now.

Now I have another question. My DD wants to join the Corps of Cadets. I don’t think she has researched enough and would like for her to make that decision later. The housing app is asking if she will be Corps. I was thinking we can answer No today on the application and then if she does sign up it would be an easy switch to Corps housing vs the other way around. Does anyone have any experience with this?

The coveted 6 tabs showed up overnight! And it says general engineering as his 1st choice major, but still no official acceptance on the tab. Hopefully that will be coming soon! I guess that is the point where he will know which option he has been offered (TAMU, Blinn, Galveston etc)?