TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

@morr33 Blinn team offers come out end of January/Febreuary. PSA does not offer Mays option, so you are correct. If you are wanting to be here in Aggieland, but don’t get admitted as a freshman, still come here and go to Blinn (even if don’t get TEAM). Many students do this then apply their spring semester for the followng summer or fall. Just look at the Mays/econ or whatever requirements for transfer and make your freshman year degree plan model what needs to be done. If you need help with that, message me separately and I will help you. But first things first, get a decision then pivot if necessary! But yes, plan on moving up here if your parents are good with it.

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@VGOPALAM Corps housing doesn’t fill up. If you’re in the Corps, you will be living with your group(squadron/platoon etc). No worries.

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@hollye10 Everyone worries about housing. Noone ever comes back on here and says it’s been an issue. Do not let housing worry you. It all works out. Plenty of amazing places to live on campus. Location not an issue either. Once you’re out and about, where you live is irrelevant (unless you get to class for an exam and forget your ID)… lol


Pls correct me if I am wrong, but Blinn for engineering basically means you are a full A&M student, but the first year you have to take some classes at Blinn right?

@mjajmom my D’s AIS updated yesterday afternoon around 4 central and the letter is there as well.

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@melboymom2 yes, AIS updated and letter appeared yesterday afternoon around 4 central. I was able get through Phase 1 of housing but it says Phase II does not open for her until 12/17.

@popyhead you are correct. You’ll take some courses at Blinn and some at TAMU. You have all the perks of a full time TAMU students and will go through the same ETAM process as every other engineering major.

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I think that you have a great chance for admission to TAMU, whether you get admitted directly to your 2nd choice Econ since Mays is full, or whether you get a Blinn Team admission. I think anyone who has the desire to be an Aggie can prove themselves and get admitted. I watched this video of this girl on YouTube called “12 Things I didn’t expect about Texas” and she wanted to be an Aggie so badly that when she didn’t get admitted, she moved to Texas anyway and did community college and was finally admitted as a transfer student! My personal opinion: I would think that if you didn’t get admitted directly, that you would be a lead pipe cinch for Blinn Team. Your TAMU diploma will be no different than someone that was there the whole 4 years.


Thank you, this is very encouraging to hear!

From the TAMUAdmissions Reddit page:

Upcoming Deadlines and Holiday Admissions

Howdy applicants, and future Aggies!

Important Deadline Updates

The Fall 2021 freshman admission deadline has been extended to December 15.

All other required documents will be accepted through December 21.

What does this mean?

This means that your application must be submitted by Tuesday, December 15th 2020 at 11:59PM CST. This is going to be a hard deadline.

All other documents must be submitted by Monday, December 21st 2020 at 5:00PM CST. This includes things like letters of recommendation, transcripts, and SAT scores. Basically, you have until 5PM on that day to make any changes to your application. After that point, nothing else can be added (see comment on appeals below).

Appeals: Texas A&M only allows appeals based on unsubmitted, but substantial information that is relevant to your application. Any information that can be used to appeal must have existed prior to this deadline. This means that a new SAT score or a new transcript / grade report that is generated after this date is not going to be considered on appeal. This is a major reason why Texas A&M Admission appeals are very rarely successful.

When can I expect a decision?

For incoming freshmen, admissions letters are already coming out. We expect that the majority of admission letters will be sent by the end of February, with a few straggling on until March. We have not seen denial letters going out for Freshman applicants, but they will start up in earnest soon. Most denials will be offered PSA, which is in line with what we’ve seen in previous years.


Winter Break will place almost all admissions on hold. Once all documentation is accepted on the 21st, we don’t expect to see much if any activity coming out of admissions until the week of January 11th.

This can be a stressful time for many students, and we urge you to try not to think too much about admissions over the holidays - there’s nothing to be done now but wait. We continue to wish you the best of luck on your admissions process, and we hope you have a relaxing holiday break!


- /r/TAMUAdmissions Team


Totally agree with you. Just want to be clear that blinn team and blinn are two different things for those that don’t know.

Hello, TAMU is my first choice school, and I’ve been accepted to other schools I have applied to. I am pretty worried about getting in. How often should I check my AIS for a decision? Thanks!

Has anybody received the interview request/invite for the Brown Scholarship?

@cheesehead1256 so your howdy portal will be the first sign when it shows 6 tabs at the top. This only updates in the morning around 6. Then AIS will update after that and could take a day or two. We’ve seen even longer than that.

If review applicant, I wouldn’t expect a decision til January now. There may be one more wave next week, but won’t be many if it happens.

What’s your major and stats?

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I applied in august with a 1290 SAT, 5.1/5.0 weighted GPA (Usually get an A in AP and PreAp classes but I run track and had to take electives so it drops my GPA a little), I’m in NHS, and I’m just out of top 10% being 10.58% in my class. Would’ve been well in top 10% but the quarter before COVID where I had all A+‘s in the hardest classes wasn’t counted, then they froze our GPAs and about 30 kids dropped out moving me the last person out of top 10%. My rank when I applied was 64/604. I still haven’t heard back and it’s been 5 months. A&M has always been my dream school and I really worked hard to improve my grades from freshman to junior year so I’d be really down if I didn’t get in. What do you guys think my chances are?

forensic and investigative sciences. I have a 3.6 gpa, and an out of state student, and I applied test-optional. Also I have taken the required courses.

@teaves A&M will ignore low SAT so whether you submit your SAT or not doesn’t matter.

Your ECs in sports is strong.

Your ranking is good.

The major part will be the strength of courses. For Aerospace Engineering, AP Calculus BC and AP Physics 1/2/C are must have classes. AP Chem, AP CSA or AP CSP and AP Statistcs preferred. If your HS doesn’t offer some AP DC will work as well.

Even though A&M admit all ENG students to general engineering, they do look into whether your strength of courses match with your desired major (e.g. without AP Chemistry or Calculus BC they won’t think you can handle Chemical Engineering even if you are auto-admit)

Which on campus meal plan do you suggest. I know it’s early in process, just doing my homework.

I have a son, who at the moment eats alot. But you know they will get tired of the dining halls swipes. He already claims he will be going to Chuys a few nights a week LOL…gotta real that in.

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Thankfully, you can change your meal plan a few weeks into the semester. So, after a few weeks of school, your son can look at his usage and change his meal plan, either up or down, taking into account how much of the semester has already passed and how much of his meal plan he has used.

Most do best with the lowest plan, 100 meals and 300 dining dollars. This results in approximately one meal a day at the dining hall. My son typically had breakfast in his room, then a big meal in the dining hall mid-day, and walking out with a sandwich for later or making one in his room.

@coltcali totally agree with @Eggscapgoats get the minimum allowed for students on campus and then roll from there. You can always add
Dining dollars through the semester and they carry over the following Spring. Meals do not.

And there are so many great places to eat on campus, your son will be surprised how often he eats on campus. Smash burger, sandwich shops, Mexican place like a chipotle, chick fil a, and the list goes on.