TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I believe my son received an email notification. When he checked the portal the letter was in there and he printed it out for me to read. He has been very guarded showing me information so I apologize for not having more details. I don’t know when the portal changed, but the acceptance letter is dated 1/15/21.

I thought Economics was part of Liberal Arts. Is there a BLINN Team option for Liberal Arts?

Exact same thing with us. Hoping the AIS changes soon

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Not yet!! Hoping VERY soon!

Yes there is an option for Liberal Arts/Econ.

Here are links for the different programs that A&M offers to get in!

Here is the information for Gateway–https://tap.tamu.edu/Programs/Gateway

Here is the information for Blinn Team–>https://tap.tamu.edu/Programs/TEAM

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No change for us today…still waiting! :laughing:

The TEAM Pathway requirements are listed under Admission Agreements link at this site:

Just to clarify, there are TEAM Pathway Admission Agreements (these are majors that if you meet the criteria listed, you are guaranteed a spot in that major) and then there are majors that participate in the TEAM pathway but you are not guaranteed a place in the major of your choice. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Hello! My friend and I applied to tamu in October (her in November), and her status was updated yesterday to either have Blinn TEAM, waitlist admission, or both. She wanted to major in biology and I wanted to major in environmental design but the class was full so I chose urban and regional planning instead. My mother went to tamu and I have talked to other aggies about our situation and they said that it was unusual, and we should just keep contacting the admission office. We are both very nervous and somewhat frustrated about the lack of communication that is going on, can anyone give us some more insight and possible time frames as we want to take advantage of our early admissions for other universities?

Is it better to email or call the admission office after being waitlisted?

We called the admissions office this morning and the lady was very helpful with our questions.

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I called last week and the person on the other end was not very nice which surprised me.

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I sent an email. If I have further questions I will give the admission office a call. Thanks for the help.

Me too! I received the same letter as the Application acknowledgement letter again. I was confused at first, but I am sure it was an accident. I know I received gateway like you said because of the AIS change (term: summer 2021 and major: general studies) but my AIS still says in review! It’s for sure frustrating, but really hoping to get the acceptance letter of gateway soon!!!

@achouk Hi! Quick Question. Was your son admitted into gateway or admitted directly to college station? Thank you!

Directly into College Station into the College of Engineering.

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My son received the same Gateway changes to his AIS that you did and also received the same duplicate email over the weekend. His Howdy changed to 6 tabs too, but his AIS status still says “in review.” Hoping and praying for a change soon! Just know that you are not alone!


Yes, hoping it changes soon too! :slight_smile:

I am not an expert but have spent a lot of time reading on here the last day and reading College Confidential 2024 to compare. So here is what I have: The waitlist, Blinn Team, or Both was new last year. From what I saw it is a long wait and students didn’t get notified until early April once all other decisions were in from the first group. I don’t know the % of people that choose waitlist/team and got in but some definitely did while others got PSA after waiting.
aggies8688 - has a response of encouragement from earlier today (16 hours ago) with her experience last year if you want to go back and read that. Hope this helps.

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