TAMU Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

1360 if you do the math.

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Oh I didn’t see your earlier number. Thx

Rolling admissions for Mays. Likely full by September/October…you can go in as Econ and transfer in after one year.

Change of major to Mays. Just to clarify vs transfer. 30 Tamu graded hours completed (not in progress). I’ll go find the link for the pathway. It’s totally doable.

There’s also the masters in finance for non business majors that you can start as early as sophomore year.


Here’s the Mays link. Also they are now taking 1100 freshman!!!


They are very strict on these guidelines. Plan your semesters accordingly with your current r and Mays degree plan. My son was able to keep all hours from econ to Mgmt pre law.

Happy to help anyone with this if it comes down to Econ freshman year.


Has anyone on here been accepted without submitting SAT/ACT scores? I feel like that’s why we’ve been in a holding pattern since October.

Question about the New Student Conference, If you register for NSC, does that mean that you are committing to A&M? I understand that you can not register for courses unless you attend the NSC and engineering students have a math placement test during their NSC. TIA


That is the way I took it, yes. But, I did see a button that said, “Cancel your admission and NSC” so maybe you can still be changed? Mine did his today. It is just so real and final now. I am so excited but then I second guess and wonder if he made the right choice? Is this his place? MY BABY IS GROWING UP!!! :slight_smile:

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Congratulations on making a decision. My daughter is not able to make a decision, she is torn between the choices she has now and waiting for her reaches in the end of March. At the same time, she is scared that she may miss out on getting good classes or the classes that she wants if she does not get into the earlier sessions of the NSC should she decide to go to TAMU. It is confusing.

It is all so confusing! I don’t think classes are a worry. I think housing is the bigger worry if you wait, for most people, but then again I have to trust they have enough for everyone! Maybe just not your top choice. I don’t know when we register for classes but it can’t be until after they graduate high school and finish out the year…my son has AP tests to still take, etc.
Truly, I am just a mom thinking out loud, take my thoughts for what they are - thoughts :slight_smile:

I do know it will all work out just as it is supposed too. (that was more me telling myself that but I know it is true for you too!)

Good luck!!!

Well, its funny housing is one thing we took care of very early back in October 1st week. She got accepted into the Engineering Village at the Commons Living Learning Community ( I had to copy and paste this from an email my daughter forwarded me :rofl:). So I guess that is a saving grace.

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Great news, classes do not fill up. Regardless of NSC date, the students will get the classes they need for first semester. Bad news… it’s all the semesters that follow that are hard to get the right classes lol. Not sure if that helps or hurts, but it’s the truth. The advisors are fantastic and your kids will get the classes they need in the fall. Could they be at 8am, maybe but probably not all of them. It’s all good.

Same with housing. Every year that’s the biggest stressor. It ends up being stressful for the process, but kids end up for, for the most part, getting what they want or like what they get once they move it. It’s okay that they don’t get everything they want. Let them be uncomfortable. They are strong and can handle pivoting if we allow them to.

There was one more thing I was going to address and now I can’t remember and my phone won’t let me scroll up and look so… I’ll be back if I can figure it out.


Got it. Okay so being committed. Yes, once huh select and pay for NSC, Tamu thinks you’re all in. However, you can change your mind up until the 5th day of class. There is no contract. Except for housing… that’s a definite contract lol.

So if you’re Child is wanting Tamu but there’s also a reach school… omg select a nsc date and If reach school Happens… run and run fast to that school. It’s all good. You are NOT taking a spot from a waitlist person or any other person. That spot is yours. Tamu (and all schools) factor in acceptance/commitment/admission/change of mind etc. it’s all good. You do you.

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@AggieMomhelp Thank you very much. Being new to this process, I have learnt a lot from your posts. I really appreciate all the guidance that you provide on this forum.


So I am a little confused by gateway. Is it something that you get if you are rejected from TAMU? Are you officially attending TAMU if you get gateway or is it like Blinn? I applied Engineering to tamu and I have not heard back. I am the second quartile of my school and my GPA averages an A-. I got a 32 on my ACT (32 math, 33 science) and I also go to the second most competitive highschool in Houston. Do you think I have a good chance of getting into engineering or getting into tamu at all? I really want to go to tamu, but if I only get into Blinn I probably would not be able to go due to my family. Is there anything I can do like changing my major that could give me a greater chance of being officially admitted to Tamu? I don’t have many sports on my resume, but I was on the Robotics team junior year and engineering club junior and senior year. I also took honors pre-cal last year and regular physics. I’m in AP Calc AB and I’m taking an engineering class this year. I am really stressing out.

Gateway is not a rejection at all. It’s a great offer to attend summer session 2 before freshman year. They have a few requirements to meet but the success rate is huge, not just for the program but also for graduation in general. Gateway is an offer, not something you can apply to.

What’s your second choice major that you listed on application? While your act score is great, 2nd quarter is not. Regardless of how competitive your school is, Tamu wants to know how you compare to your peers with the same resources. Makes sense since you’ll be up against some of the best in college and of course the real world.

Blinn academy for engineering is an amazing program and is only one year. You take classes at both cstat campus and blinn. Not sure how that would be any different for your situation vs full admit.

Blinn TEAM is an official admit to TAMU. It’s not a rejection, you’re still an Aggie, living on campus in dorms etc. You’ll just take some classes at Blinn until you fully transition…it’s a heck of a or cheaper than paying full TAMU
tuition…sounds like a win-win situation.


Can those who got the blinn team/waitlist/both share your stats and major?

My second Choice was also listed as Engineering my Dean told me to do that. I put Mechanical first, then aerospace.

Okay so If there’s another major other than engineering that interests you, change your second choice major to that. Unless someone js dead set on engineering, you should put a different major for 2nd choice (since you are admitted to general eng regardless).