Under the Texas a&m engineering byod policy all incoming students need to purchase one of the recommended models. I would rather not spend that money yet. I understand that I would need a better laptop later on but do I really need one that good as an engineering freshman? I have a basic laptop. It is not the fastest out there and I use it for simple things. Can I survived my first year with it? And what kind of things are the laptops used for in class or for class? Would it be better to buy the recommended laptop or wait at least until next year.
Howdy, I’m an engineering student at TAMU too! I’ve heard from several different upperclassmen but you don’t HAVE to buy a laptop from the BYOD list. I was in a dilemma as well because everything on there was pushing my budget. I was told that anything with an i7 processor and 16GB of RAM would suffice. You can definitely use your own laptop because apparently they have computer labs and extra laptops for students to use. Although I already have a laptop at home, I am planning to buy a new one - currently looking at Lenovo Flex 4. It’s 15.6" so it’s not the ideal size for me but I will have to wait and see. If you’re looking to buy a new laptop, try Lenovo or Asus.
Hope this helps a bit!
The laptop I have right now is 4 gb ram soooo
Look at the laptops they have and just match the proccesor and ram space, thats all laptops are, maybe try to get the closest to the graphic card recommended. Even an i7 will run u a couple hundred bucks, but fi they have comouters available id recommend asking someone whos been in the progran in ur specific schools thread.