TAMU ETAM statistics

@finsup where exactly in My Profile are you seeing this?

Ok! He just received email with 4 offers… MMET, INEN, NUEN, and OCEN-GV.

Just got an email with offers. Good luck everyone!

@cheryls00 I really don’t know if it ever said that before… and it’s located in his “my profile” on his personal information when he scrolled down below his photo. I don’t get it, because now that he’s received the offers, MEEN is not even one of the offers. We are nevertheless relieved to have some offers from which he can choose!

Yay @cheryls00 ! Now enjoy the Fourth!

We also got 3 offers this morning! Happy 4th!

Offers were Electrical Engr (ELEN), Electronic Systems Engr Tech (ESET), Industrial & Systems Engr (INEN) & Ocean Engr at Galveston.

For those researching new majors there are a couple of reports that were helpful to us I thought may be helpful to you as well. You will need to be logged on to Howdy to view. The first is the SEC tamu engineering career fair; you can search by major who is coming to hire/interview. The second has reports that show by semester and my major what companies hired graduates and for what salaries.

So excited you guys. Congrats. Their hard work paid off!!!

So it looks like a student can not come in with credit for AP Physics M and E/M, , D would like to come in with both physics Cs, Chem, Calc BC. Can that still be done?

@BingeWatcher Looks to me like it still can be done:
Looks like a 3 on the Physics C exam gets you out of Phys 206,207 for engineering; a 4 on Calc BC gets you out of both math 151, 152; a 4 on AP chem gets you out of chem 119, 120

Thank you so much! Just wonder how this effects ETAM.

@BingeWatcher ETAM can change every year but when my son went through it, he took his AP credit for math 151, math 152, Chem 101 (119 now), both physics, both US History, both Biology’s, and both English. He needed two math for ETAM at tamu so he took math 251 and math 308 his freshman year. The requirement for science was two at tamu from a list that included physics and chemistry; in his case he had all but chem 2 so thats what he took and got a waiver for the rest.

@kwstang18 hi, I know I am pretty late to this thread but I will be going through etam and my first choice is chemical engineering could i get some insight on ur gpa and extra circulars so I know where to stand

My Aggie sophomore son just completed ETAM for admission to a major in January. Does anyone have insight to how quickly those decisions might come out?

My son applied several years ago and heard 1/5 via email but major changed in howdy day earlier. This is the info sent to him in an email at that time:
Auto Admit -12/19, Round 1 (first choice major) - 1/5, Round 2 (1st, 2nd, or 3rd choice majors) - 1/8, Round 3 - 1/9

I see ETAM results have come out now and I was wondering how everyone fared this time around? I see some kids have posted on reddit that CS, ECEN, CEEN, MEEN were near all auto admits again. @EagleMomma @2019gradclass

I’m a high school senior and I’m planning on majoring in computer science. I have been admitted to college of engineering. I’m a little stressed out because of the ETAM. in TAMU website, there is a part stating,“It is important that you thoroughly evaluate your major choices and rankings as you will not have the option to decline an offer to a major listed on your application.” Let’s say computer science is my first choice major and Nuclear engineering is the second choice major and let’s assume I don’t get accepted into computer science but I get accepted in to Nuclear engineering. Does this mean that I have to go to Nuclear engineering? Is it not possible to decline the offer to the second choice major and stay in general engineering and apply again the next semester? Also, what if I don’t get accepted into any of the majors in my application?
I really appreciate any help.

I’m a high school senior and I’m planning on majoring in computer science. I have been admitted to college of engineering. I’m a little stressed out because of the ETAM. in TAMU website, there is a part stating,“It is important that you thoroughly evaluate your major choices and rankings as you will not have the option to decline an offer to a major listed on your application.” Let’s say computer science is my first choice major and Nuclear engineering is the second choice major and let’s assume I don’t get accepted into computer science but I get accepted in to Nuclear engineering. Does this mean that I have to go to Nuclear engineering? Is it not possible to decline the offer to the second choice major and stay in general engineering and apply again the next semester? Also, what if I don’t get accepted into any of the majors in my application?
I really appreciate any help.

@sasanlotfi ETAM can change from year to year but currently you can apply for up to 5 majors at ETAM. You are required to apply to at least 3 majors. If your first choice major does not accept you and your 2nd or 3rd does then you automatically are put in that major. No choice to decline that. If none of your majors accept you, they may offer you other majors that will; these majors are optional. If you do not get a major at ETAM you stay in general engineering and try again the next semester. I believe you have up to 4 ETAM attempts. Auto Admit is only available for your first ETAM however. In your case Computer Science is very popular and has in the past mostly filled up with Auto Admits so your best chance is to make sure your GPA is 3.5 or above. Nuclear does not typically fill up so if that is your second choice you will likely get it if you do not get your first choice. My son purposely choose all very popular majors that typically fill in the first round so that he would not be forced into a major he did not want.