TAMU ETAM statistics

@ToCollege2018 Also you can check your unofficial transcript on Howdy and the latest major should be listed right on top.

My son got an email now saying that his application is on an extended review by all majors and will be notified by 8AM on July 4.

Thanks for sharing that information, @ToCollege2018 . I know it’s hard to wait, but thankfully it’s only a few days away. I’m sending good wishes your way! :+1:

Got accepted to Chemical Engineering my first choice!!! Received email at 7:46 A.M.

@chercheur , thank you for your good wishes! It is a few more days. Looks like this is sort of like a final round of placement. Not sure if choices would be given at this stage. Was this the process last years also to have a final round, @pbleigh , @chercheur ?

I’ll let @pbleigh comment. I don’t have much information on last year’s process. It does seem like each year is a little different regarding ETAM requirements and decisions, so it’s really hard to speculate.

@ToCollege2018 Each year does seem to be a bit different, at least on how they notify. It does seem that internally ETAM is running like years past in that they do notification of auto admits then send applicants in rounds to majors based on the applicants’ choices. In the end if an applicant does not receive an acceptance from any of their choices it does seem in years past they allowed departments which still had openings to evaluate to give an offer. In years past the last round would include an email saying you didn’t get your first choices and a list of offers you did get. Since these offers were not on your choice list you were not obligated to accept them and could continue in general engineering until the next ETAM opportunity. I hope this helped, I know it is stressful and I have my fingers crossed for you.

@pbleigh Thank you for your inputs on the past years. When dept makes their holistic decision (like today), they would already know how many kids they can take, right and fill to their max capacity, right? So I am not sure how they would have more openings/capacity in the next round say on July 4 notification. Thank you all again!

@ToCollege2018 Yes the departments have a capacity number for this ETAM and at this point have seen everyone that has picked them choice 1-5 and either have become full or didn’t choose to accept the remaining candidates. The departments with spots left can now look at students who did not pick them and offer them spots in their departments for July 4th.

@ToCollege2018, my son also received that same email today, but he has now completed 4 semesters. @pbleigh, what happens if everything is full? I’m getting a little nervous for him because if I understand correctly, this is his last opportunity!

@finsup I’m not sure what would happen, I do not believe that has ever happened yet. If this is his last etam then I would encourage him to be proactive in contacting the departments about admission. It can’t hurt but I have read students saying they did as much and got a decision.

Thank you, @pbleigh. I’ll keep everyone posted!

Here is a link for 4th semester engineering students

Thank you, @Thelma2. So we wait just a couple more days for a decision, as he does meet all of the requirements described in the link. I will report back as to the offer(s) he receives and whether or not any of those offers were among his 5 choices.

Thinking of you all @finsup

Email said July 4 by 8am. Still no news. Does it mean something if no email has been received? This is so stressful.

@cheryls00 Have you checked your online unofficial transcript to see if a major has changed? I don’t believe they have ever had the decision scheduled to come out on a holiday. Less stressful for them since they will not be there to field all the phone calls and emails but so much more stressful for the students; I feel for you. I would guess this email is system generated and I wouldn’t read too much into it unless you see people posting they got decisions and you haven’t.

There is nothing on the unofficial transcript. The email said decision to be made by July 4, 8am. Can’t believe they didn’t realize it is a holiday. This waiting game is ridiculous.

Really frustrating, no email here either, although his “my profile” in Howdy now says “BS-MEEN” which was his first choice. Hopeful…

@finsup interesting. Did it not say that before?