TAMU spring 2017 transfer chances??

I applied for transfer admission for the Spring of 2017 to Kinesiology with a 3.54 GPA, all of which were A’s and B’s. Im pretty sure I have all of the required courses, so I was just wondering if anyone has any insight on how good my chances are. My second choice major was Psychology. Thanks!!

I read that someone got accepted with a 3.34 for the fall semester of 2016 for kinesiology, so I think you’re in a great position! Plus it helps to have most of the required courses completed. Overall, I think you have a good chance of being admitted.

Did you have to take 2 Business maths first in order to apply? I am trying to apply to A&M as well to pursue a degree in Kinesiology for the Spring 2017. I haven’t taken Chemistry 2, Biology 2 Physics 1 and 2 nor 2 Business maths. My GPA is 3.14

you need 2 maths & 2 sciences from the approved list on their website! so i took 141 & 142 before i applied (bc they have to be graded to be considered). & i took biology 1 & chem 1 for my two sciences! If you look on the HLKN website, it describes everything in a little more detail!


I am looking for it and I don’t see the tab for it.

Here ya go. It looks like you need 22 credits in order to transfer. You need the 2 business maths, 2 physics, Bio II and Chem II

Degree plan 2015-2016

I would call admissions and/or the link I put in the other thread. Without knowing the source of earning all of your 93 credits hours that you have incoming, and not sure how many A&M will actually accept as transfer and with the 22 you still need in order to transfer, you need to know if this puts you in jeopardy of having excess credit hours. This is a Texas rule, not an A&M rule. http://registrar.tamu.edu/General/ExcessCredHr.aspx

I don’t mean to alarm you, and it may not affect you, but with so many hours already, and still more to acquire, you need to know where you stand in order to make the most prudent decision going forward in case you are close to exceeding the limit.

@Thelma2 I know not all of my credits will transfer mostly only 76 because I took TSI required courses that don’t transfer as well as some extra PE electives that used to be required at San Jac on the degree plan. That is a huge disappointment :(((. Looks like I have a better chance being accepted at Tech, but its still so far away…

Texas State in San Marcos may also be a viable option. My eldest attends there and enjoys it a lot. Their Pre-physical therapy degree might be a fit. While what you are lacking to transfer to A&M is still required, it may not be required in order to transfer.

you just need 2 maths (141 and 142) and 2 sciences from that list (can be any two off the given list) , you won’t need all of them!

@Thelma2 I toured Texas State and I didn’t like it at all. @texag19 yeah two maths that I haven’t completed. I am not going to give up, I am going to apply and see what happens there. I see that it says that Elementary Statistics will be equivalent to Math 141. So I am good on that one, I just need to see if College Algebra will be equivalent to Math 131. Thank you yalls.