TASP 2015

Dang, this is making me antsy. I’m in China at the moment so it’s a struggle for me to access GMail, let alone taking into account the time difference. At least I’ll have a general idea of when to check my mail when I hear y’all’s responses.

Been awake three hours, and already checked this thread and my email two dozen times. :expressionless:

I probably won’t get to the interviews…but there’s always the small chance.

Do we get an email if we don’t qualify for an interview?

Someone from Hawaii yesterday said they got one saying they didn’t, I believe.

Weird that it’s only one person from CC so far. I guess we’ll know if there are any more in about 2 1/2 hours.

Yeah I’m really hoping we’ll know by this afternoon because I’m driving myself crazy. I don’t expect an interview, but I just want to know and have closure so I can move on already lol.


California emails are in! Didn’t advance, but good luck to everyone else who applied!

Yup…I didn’t advance to interview round. Ah well. Congrats, @yasminalkho!!! And good luck to everyone else!

I live on the west coast and I got an interview. Regardless of whether you got an interview or not, realize that writing and submitting the essays was a learning process within itself. Good luck to everyone else!

Didn’t advance either from east coast, congrats to everyone who did! You go @yasminalkho‌!

Missouri here. Didn’t get an interview. Can’t say that it was unexpected, but still makes me sad.

Didn’t get interview from east coast but I entirely expected it considering after reading my essays they probably the most cliched, hackneyed essays I ever wrote.

Don’t even fret guys. I’m so down to create our own TASP rn anyone in??

@thegoldenage YES!!! let’s do it

Have dreamt about attending since ninth grade and…rejected. I fear that I’ll get similar results in college admissions this year

I’d be down with making one, but we’re all too scattered to make it work as something that wouldn’t be expensive.

Didn’t go through (timestamp 12:12 PM EST) - in retrospect, wish I’d started essays earlier and made them more genuine rather than trying to hide behind the facade of intellectual curiosity. In that same vein, it was a good experience for college admissions next year - though it was at once disheartening and enlightening. At the end of the day, I became a better writer and learned about the admissions process and that’s all I can truly ask for.

Didn’t make it…can’t say I expected anything, but still sucks. Anyone wanna drown their sorrows in pizza and netflix?

Rejected, but I think all of those who were rejected can say they are now more prepared to build off of the experience. Hell, I did all my essays on the last night so I can’t say I expected to get in, but chin up everyone. Congratulations to those accepted: make the most of it!