TASS (Telluride Association Summer Seminar) 2023

May I know how many essays you need to write for the applications? and how many words are required for each essay? Thanks

there are three/four 250 word essays:
Why do you want to attend the Telluride Association Summer Seminar in Anti-Oppressive Studies?

How do you spend your time outside of school? Focus on the activities you find most meaningful. If you have significant family responsibilities, such as caring for a sibling or a grandparent, please mention them here.

Note any awards or honors you have received, and in a few words describe their importance to you.

(Optional) If there are any special circumstances that you think are important to help us understand your application, such as a change in schools, a missed semester, etc., please describe them.

Then thereā€™s three 500 word essays. this was these yrā€™s topics:

  1. TASS participants come from a wide variety of educational backgrounds. We are interested in how you evaluate your own educational experiences. If you could change anything, how would you change your high school? (If you donā€™t attend high school, how would you change how youā€™re learning right now?)

  2. At TASS-AOS, you will analyze books, films, music, and other works of art. We are interested in what you take away from books you read, films you watch, music you listen to, and so on. Think about a recent book, film, song, or other creative work that you experienced outside of school. What did you notice in this work that others might not have? Why is this work important to you?

  3. TASS participants live together in addition to attending class, and inevitably conflicts arise. We are interested in knowing how you handle conflicts with peers. Describe a conflict you experienced with a classmate or friend within the past few years. How did you approach the situation at the time? What went well, and what would you do differently if you could?

Thank you so much!
Is there anyone can tell me this or last year, how many students applied and how many got accepted?

We heard about 350+ finalists

Hi, I hope your application went well. Just a quick question if you dont mind! When they say other colors of race for tass anti oppressive, does that include asians too? It looks like tass has changed somehow to include more black and indigenous students. Do they ask about family income and assets? Thanks!

Hi data06! How was your experience at tass?

I got rejected, but Iā€™m in a server with kids who got in

  1. They still are inclusive to minorities, but (from what Iā€™ve seen) there arenā€™t a lot of Asians

  2. Assets, I donā€™t think so. They donā€™t ask about anything like that. Iā€™ll have to ask (update, they asked for estimated income)

Update 2: if you go to private school, they ask how much fin aid/scholarship u get from your school

not to be the 10th person asking, but does anyone mind resending a non-expired link to the discord?