
<p>anyone have any interesting ones? planning to get one? what's the story?</p>

<p>i got a little peace sign on the inside of my right ankle almost two years ago. it's not a ba**ss tattoo, but it's cute and simple--also i'm pretty much a bleeding-heart liberal, so it's perfect for me :)
i want to get another, but i need to want it for over a year before i'll get it placed permanently on my body..maybe something for UNC after i graduate.</p>

<p>I’m getting a musical symbol on the inside of my ankle while I’m home for Christmas break. I’m very musical and I’ve been performing for about 10 years now, so it fits me perfectly. :)</p>

<p>I’m really liberal too economically, but I’m pretty moderate socially (I guess I am a rare breed). I guess I dress pretty conservatively, lots of polos and chinos. I would never under any circumstances get a tattoo. But to each their own. Chapel Hill probably would have been to liberal for me :slight_smile: I heard they took Christmas Trees out of the library. Sometimes PC-ness goes to far. (I go to Wake Forest, and all of my friends think I’m a liberal nut-job hahaha)</p>

<p>A guy I went to highschool with got a barbers pole tattooed on his *****</p>

<p>hahahaha–ridiculous. i’d like to see that.</p>

<p>I like tattoos as long as they aren’t like EVERYWHERE and huge (I don’t like the sleeve tattoos), and I wouldn’t mind having a small one, but fear of the pain has, so far, scared me off getting one. My mom has one too so it wouldn’t be a big deal if I got one eventually.</p>

<p>I don’t have tattoos but if I did I don’t think I could get just one. I would probably end up being tatted to the max.</p>

<p>If I felt like getting one I’d probably get a cool piercing instead - if you have a brow/tongue/lip ring you can take it off when needed, for professional job interviews and such, or if you decide you hate it later you can let it close up. But if you get a tattoo it’s there forever, unless you get expensive painful laser surgery to remove it…but that’s just me. Some of my friends have sweet tattoos. ;)</p>

<p>A social d tat, hopefully another over break</p>

<p>Get another Indian ancient peace symbol…a swastica… LOL!..</p>

<p>i have the tree of knowledge on my right side/ribs, a semi-colon on my right ankle, and an interrobang on my left ankle. i want more, but i can’t think of anything at this moment i’d want on my body forever. i’m considering a michel foucault quote (“let us sin, then, and sin to infinity”), but it won’t be until after i graduate. </p>

<p>i have a bunch of piercings, though. stretched lobes, nostril, vertical labret, and microdermals just beneath my clavicles. i am potentially getting my other nostril pierced after christmas. i agree with dramakitty as far as piercings being easier to hide/not permanent (although my microdermals are designed for permanence), which is why i’m way more likely to get pierced on whim but i take forever to decide on tattoos.</p>

<p>I’m considering getting a small one on my hip - maybe a heart or butterfly or peace sign. What price range would that be in? [I can’t find any prices posted online!] Oh and does anybody have any suggestions of where to go in the Atlanta area for a good (clean, professional) tattoo parlor?</p>

<p>the price depends entirely on the artist/shop. don’t base your choice on price, base it on the quality of the artist’s portfolio. most likely, for something that small, you’d end up paying shop minimum, which varies wildly from place to place. maybe $50-$100; i’m not sure how tattoo prices run in Atlanta.</p>

<p>I hate tattoos. Drops a chick like 1 pt. out of 10 if she has any.</p>



<p>lol. “You see this sign!?!? It means welcome!!!”</p>

<p><a href=“http://deputydog.files.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2007/06/ednort.jpg[/url]”>http://deputydog.files.■■■■■■■■■■■■■/2007/06/ednort.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’ve had my heart set on a specific small, simple tattoo on my hip for years (and by years I mean nearly a decade) now. But I won’t be getting it until I’m comfortable with the final decisions about the exact design, exact placement and exact color. It will be on my body forever, and although I know I won’t regret the tat itself, I definitely don’t want to constantly see it and think “if only it was an inch to the left!” or whatever.</p>

<p>The whole “I’ll have it forever” thinking is a bit over dramatic. If you really end up hating it, get some fading balm and put some cover-up over it. I’m sure more advances will be made and in 10 or so years there will be better/less expensive ways to remove a tat. You only live once, so if you want to get one, just do it.</p>

<p>My daughter took a “face shot” photo of her favorite laboratory rat (she’s pre-vet, what can I say . . . ) and had the image tattooed on the top of her shoulder. To put it charitably, I wasn’t pleased, but then again, she’s independent, a top notch student and a really nice person. Could be worse . . . a lot worse, so I count my blessings.</p>

<p>I have a tattoo of a mustache on the inside of my index finger, so whenever I hold my index finger to my upper lip I am in disguise. What’s great about it is nobody knows it’s there, and when they do see it, they don’t know who I am (because it’s such a great disguise), so nobody knows I have a tattoo!</p>

<p>What kinds of reactions did your parents have about your tattoos? Did you ask them for permission first, or did you just go get one? Any of you keeping yours “hidden”? :-)</p>

<p>My dad freaks out everytime I add a new modification to my body, but I don’t take any pains to hide them. He’s seen all my piercings save for my clavicles, which I’m going to have to show him over Christmas. I don’t ask permission, I just do it. I did tell him in advance about my largest tattoo, though, out of respect. If he had really wanted me to not do it, or to wait until I was out of the house, I would have. He has no such say in my piercings or my smaller tattoos.</p>