Tax forms today or tomorrow

<p>Deadline is 15th-- does that mean we have to get it postmarked by 14th or 15th?</p>

<p>deadline means it has to be received by the 15th.</p>

<p>Oh my God.... are you serious? Any other explanatinos..?</p>

<p>get it in ASAP. </p>

<p>like your applications, i think it's expected for fin-aid. forms to arrive late anyway. so many people are sending forms from so many places. you wont be the only one sending in one late if you're in that position.</p>

<p>it's good practice to get things done ahead of time, for future reference!! procrastinating certainly doesnt help in college. oy!</p>

<p>yup. next day mail is all i can tell you. haha.</p>

<p>i don't think next-day mail is all that necessary. however, if it'll make you feel more secure...then go for it!</p>

<p>^if it's deadline, the sooner the better.</p>

<p>2004 forms due 2-15. when are the 2005 tax returns due?</p>

<p>^i thought it was feb 15th, but i think now they're saying as soon as possible</p>

<p>See this discussion:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>"2005 tax returns are also required and we request you submit them as soon as possible. They are officially due at the time of enrollment, but the sooner you get the returns in the sooner your "estimated" award can become an "actual" award. "</p>

<p>where do we mail the forms to? i can't find the address anywhere.</p>

<p>Office of Student Financial Services
Johns Hopkins University
3400 N. Charles Street
146 Garland Hall
Baltimore, MD 21218</p>