TCU 2021 Decision Thread

My D’s portal still says ready for review! She is so anxious!

Or maybe it is alphabetical on the portal updates? We both have the last name that starts with “L”…ok- just reaching here! Lol…Fingers crossed!!

My last name starts with an R soooo I don’t think that’s the case. And I live in GA. Maybe they’re going east coast to west coast?

Has anyone here been accepted who does not live on the east coast?

they are doing them one by one and updating them in the order they are on the list which is random, just hold on, and if you don’t get in, than that’s god telling you to move on

I live in Hawaii and my last name is usually alphabetically last. Mine updated a couple of hours ago. It’s probably random. Good luck!

Will it tell you on the portal if you are not accepted as well?

Hey everyone, I checked my portal around 8:55-9:00 am and I was accepted! I live in Texas, good luck to everyone!

I live in Missouri, no answer yet. If we get no answer does that mean we don’t get in?

They might be updating the portals throughout the day. Good luck! @pleasetakeme18

I was accepted from chicago here at about 7 AM, does anyone know when TCU sends scholarship info?

Yeah I’m in California and i just checked the portal this morning and got accepted!

i live in california and my portal hasn’t been updated yet. does anyone know what it will say if you don’t get accepted?

@bretteisner if you don’t mind, what are your stats and when did you submit your app?

@nurse2017 Congratulations! (legitimately)

I believe the acceptances have already been uploaded so I guess I didn’t get in

Nope. TCU admissions tweeted that the portals will finish being updated by end of day. None of my D’s friends in Dallas area have heard so stay positive! We are still keeping fingers crossed!

Does anyone know if you do not get accepted thru EA but are deferred, do you get a notice about it now and does it post that way on your portal?

Just checked.

Northern California

Still nothing…